Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card Book Analysis

📌Category: Books
📌Words: 799
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 25 April 2022

Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card is a very interesting book. Ender Wiggin, a young boy, is sent to a training academy called Battle School, which is located in orbit above the Earth and was built to train soldiers to fight against a vast alien race known as "Buggers.” Ender Wiggin, a young genius chosen to save the world, is the protagonist of Ender's Game. The military requires a brilliant commander to combat buggers, alien enemies who have come dangerously close to demolishing humanity in the past. While being in such competitive and stressful environment, Ender has a few friends. Are these friends actually true friends?

Ender Wiggin and Petra Arkanian are friends, but they aren't particularly close or true friends, since Ender doesn't believe he can depend on Petra. “Ever since I beat Salamander, you mean.” “I hated you after you beat Phoenix Army, too, Ender.” (p.157) As we can see in this quoted sentence that Petra was not necessarily happy for Ender that he won. Friends are usually supposed to be happy for each other when one wins even between each other. As seen multiple times in the novel they both could not depend on each other, however after that she warns him about a few boys who are trying to kill him even though she is angry that she lost against him. So, it is suggested that they are not a true friend, but Petra helps Ender throughout his journey in the Salamander army and after that. She helped to learn how to fight and made time for him, which is thoughtful and friendly. Including the situation with Valentine. Overall, I do think that they are friends but not true friends as they never got to a point where they could relate and be real with each other and get to know more about each other. However, Dink and Ender could relate and connect.

Dink Meeker and Ender Wiggin are friends who trust each other to a point. E: "Hey, I know, nobody's supposed to talk about ... but we came from somewhere. The Battle School doesn't create anything (p.109). As seen from the evidence, Dink supported Ender and could relate to him. Dink helped him multiple times, for example after the situation with Bonzo when Ender killed him, and Dink was there for him. But overall, Dink is the one that shows there to try to stop Bonzo from killing Ender. Even after Ender leaves Dink's toon to lead his army, the two remain friends, and Dink even appears as one of Ender's squadron leaders at the conclusion. As seen that Dink can be trusted but Ender and he can relate and connect to him. However, most of the time Ender could not tell if Dink was his friend and considered only Petra as his friend. Overall, I think that they are friends but not a true friend as most of the time they did not consider each other friends. The relationship between them was a unique friendship compared to his other friends.

Bean and Ender are real Friends, As he stood up for Ender multiple times and showed that he can be trusted. “Bean looked at him and realized that the impossible was happening. Far from baiting him, Ender Wiggin was confiding in him. Not much. But a little. Ender was human and Bean had been allowed to see”. (p166) Ender’s perspective on what he's doing to Bean appears to be that he's tormenting him to make him a better soldier. He was treating him in the same way Colonel Graff treated Ender to make him a strong fighter. Ender showed that he is not only an invulnerable commander but also a vulnerable child. They had a sleepover, which indicates that they are close friends. Ender's perspective on what he's doing to Bean is as follows. He helps Ender with Dragon Army while also helping him in maintaining his humanity. Bean stood up for Ender multiple times, such as seen later in chapter 14 when he stands up to Graff about Ender. They both can relate to each other and have a connection. Overall, I think that Ender and Bean are friends compared to Petra and Dink, as Ender could relate to him and both of them were always there for each other. Out of all the friendships which Ender had in this novel, His true friends are Bean and Alai.

Ender does have a true friend who is Bean, as he was always there for Ender and they both stood up for each other. It is suggested that the only real friend of the Ender is Bean. Bean is a true friend since he gave Ender sympathy and support. Petra is not  as she did not support him and was not happy for him most of the time. Ender and Dink most of the time did not even know if they were actually friend. Bean and Ender may become great friends. Overall, I think that it was very stressful for Ender to have friends in such a competitive environment. However, beneficial as he was warned and supported by them throughout his time and journey while battling.

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