Love and Loyalty vs. Hatred and Selfish in Hamlet Essay Example

📌Category: Hamlet, Plays, William Shakespeare, Writers
📌Words: 556
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 16 August 2022

In the Tragedy, Hamlet, many characters show their love and loyalty towards others, however many show hatred and are selfish, only caring about their affairs. In the case of one character, their viewpoints may have shifted dramatically throughout the play. While some people in life are very selfish and self-centered, many other people endorse love and loyalty which makes many people's lives enjoyable.

One theme that was sustained throughout Hamlet was love and loyalty, which was most importantly exhibited by Horacio and Ophelia. Horacio expressed many signs of loyalty towards Hamlet and kept many secrets for him as he was his best friend. For example, “Speaking the very truth of high praise, I can honestly say that I find him to possess a soul of such great importance, and so rare and unique in every respect, that—to speak the absolute truth—he can find an equal only when he gazes into a mirror. Anyone else is just a pale copy of him” (Shakespeare 109). This quote shows Hamlet's love for his great friend Horacio and how nobody can find someone equal to him. Similarly, Ophelia had also shown a strong love for Hamlet as he was the one that she loved and cherished. For example, “OPHELIA: Father, he’s always talked about love in an honorable fashion— POLONIUS: Yes, “fashion” is just the word—a passing whim. Go on.

OPHELIA: And he’s made the holiest vows to me, to back up what he says” (Shakespeare 17). Ophelia knows that Hamlet is her true love although external conflicts keep her from truly loving Hamlet. It can be seen that love and loyalty are shown throughout Hamlet through the character dynamic of Horacio and Ophelia.

Although these characters expressed love and affection, many other characters expressed selfishness and hatred. Claudius was a very unapologetically selfish person that only cared about his emotions. For example, “Oh, my crime is so rotten it stinks all the way to heaven. It has the mark of Cain on it, a brother’s murder. I can’t pray, though I want to desperately. My guilt is stronger even than my intentions. And like a person with two opposite things to do at once, I stand paralyzed and neglect them both. So what if this cursed hand of mine is coated with my brother’s blood? Isn’t there enough rain in heaven to wash it clean as snow? Isn’t that what God’s mercy is for?..” (Shakespeare 67) This quote showed the true impression Claudius gave and how he didn't even care for the murder of his brother, just wanting all the power to himself. Additionally, Hamlet had chosen selfishness and anger over love which afflicted the concerns of many others. For example, “...—Are the actors ready? ROSENCRANTZ: Yes, my lord. They’re ready whenever you are. GERTRUDE: Come here, my dear Hamlet. Sit by me. HAMLET: No thanks, my good mother. There’s a nicer piece of work right here. (he sits down near OPHELIA)” (Shakespeare 56). This quote shows the harsh selfish rude tone that Hamlet portrayed, disrespecting his mother because of the displeasure with Claudius. Selfishness and hatred can be seen through the actions of conflicting characters such as Claudius and Hamlet. 

While some people in life are quite selfish and self-centered, many others nurture love and loyalty, which makes many people's lives more joyful. While some characters may express love and loyalty such as Horacio and Ophelia, treating others with the utmost respect and love, other characters such as Claudius and Hamlet express hatred and selfishness, treating others very poor and rudely. All things considered, the tragedy Hamlet shared many different themes such as love, loyalty, hatred, and selfishness.

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