Mrs. Boone Character Analysis in The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time Essay Sample

📌Category: Plays, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
📌Words: 790
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 08 June 2022

How could she do that to her family?? In the book, Mrs. Boone, also known as Christopher’s mom, leaves her family and runs off with Mr. Shears. For two years Mrs. Boone had been writing her son Christopher letters unknown to him. When Christopher reads the letters, he finds out that his mother left because she felt that Christopher was hard to manage and Christopher didn’t need her anymore and she thought Mr. Boone could take good care of him without her. Mrs. Boone saw how Christopher and his father got along well together. Mrs. Boone was not right in her action of leaving her family. What she did was selfish and she abandoned her family. Also, Mr. Boone was losing patience with Christopher. Lastly, Christopher’s fathers behavior was changing to the point that he killed Wellington, the neighbors dog.

Mrs. Boone was selfish for leaving. She was selfish because she left Christopher with Mr. Boone because she thought they were better off without her but that’s pretty much just giving up on her child Christopher because he gets along better with his father. Children need both of their parents and Mrs. Boone shouldn’t of just gave up like that. In the book it says “I was not a very good mother, Christopher. Maybe if things had been different, maybe if you’d been different, I might have been better at it… I’m not like your father.” (106; ch. 157). She says how she wasn’t a good mother but she gave up and didn’t try to become a better mother for Christopher. She also says that maybe if Christopher was different things would be different which she meant easier but things could’ve been different if she hadn’t left. She also left for Mr. Shears instead of staying for her son. In the book she wrote “He asked me if I wanted to come with him… but eventually I decided it would be better for all of us if I went. So I said yes.” (109; ch. 157). She chose Mr. Shears over her family. That was selfish because she left for a man she hadn’t known for that long just because they had things in common.

Mr. Boone started losing patience with Christopher. Christopher’s father grabbed him hard because he was angry. He should know Christopher hates being touched which is why he hit him. In the book it says “And I said, “I didn’t want to talk to Mrs. Alexander. It was Mrs. Alexander who--” But Father interrupted me and grabbed hold of my arm really hard.” (82; ch. 127). Mr. Boone grabbed Christopher out of anger which means he lost his patience for a bit and that isn’t good for Christopher. Mr. Boone also didn’t let go after Christopher hit him and he was shouting at him. In the book it also says “But Father didn’t let go, and he was shouting.” (83; ch. 127). Shouting and grabbing Christopher is Mr. Boone losing patience with Christopher. Mrs. Boone should’ve known just because of how patient she thought Mr. Boone was doesn’t mean he wouldn’t ever lose his temper and no matter how much Mr. Boone thinks he doesn’t need help with Christopher sometimes he does.

Mr. Boone killed Wellington and that made Christopher feel unsafe with him. Mrs. Boone left Christopher with a dog murderer. Mrs. Boone shouldn’t of left Christopher with someone who would kill a dog and in the book it says “Father rubbed his face with his hands and pulled his chin down with his fingers and stared at the wall...And he said, “I killed Wellington, Christopher.” (120; ch. 167). He killed Wellington and since he killed a dog it makes you wonder what else he’s willing to kill…. He made Chrsitopher frightened and made Christopher want to leave the house because he thinks his father would kill him too. In the book Christopher says “... I was really frightened… I had to get out of the house.” (122, ch. 167). Mr. Boone made Christopher frightened enough to make him run away and that’s not good for a child to feel unsafe with their parents. Mrs. Boone has to do with this because she left thinking Mr. Boone wouldn’t mess up. They were supposed to take care of Christopher together. She abandoned her son and left him with a dog murderer. 

In conclusion, Mrs. Boone should not have left Christopher and Mr. Boone. When she left she was being selfish and only thinking about herself and not about how they would be without her. Obviously Mr. Boone messed up with Christopher and Mrs. Boone wasn’t there to help or make things better. She affected both Christopher and Mr. Boone when she left with Mr. Shears because even if they were doing well without her eventually they would need her. Christopher needs both of his parents and her abandoning him and being totally okay with leaving Mr. Boone with a huge responsibility like that is just selfish. When she decided to leave she didn’t think about how she could be a better mother and partner for Christopher and Mr. Boone.

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