Shame Should Not Be a Component of Punishmen Persuasive Essay

📌Category: Crime, Criminal Justice
📌Words: 898
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 31 March 2022

The idea of the public belonging to shaming has been a way to inflict a lasting impact of wrong-doing so that they may no longer enact wrong-doing again. Public humiliation, or public shame, has impacted the lives of many people around the world in that novels and movies have been based around this harsh topic. The influence of public shame is harmful because it can cause terrible consequences. Although many people argue shame should be a punishment in the justice system, rehabilitation and matching the fairness to the crime will prevent recidivism; therefore, shame should not be a component of punishment.

First, if the criminals truly rehabilitate instead of going back on the streets, the rate of convicted criminals will lower the need to shame or punish them. In the article “2018 Update on Prisoner Recidivism A 9-year Follow-up Period (2005-2014),” the author states, “About 4 in 9 (44%) prisoners released in 2005 were arrested at least once during their first year after release” (Alper). Without a choice to rehabilitate the offenders were returning to their old ways. The prisons need to allow justice programs to keep the criminals from doing the same crime again. In the article “Eighth Amendment,” the author states: “The Constitution is likewise silent on what punishment is deemed “cruel” and unusual,”(Levy 4). Many people in society are silent on this issue. Nobody speaks on the pain and cruelness that the offenders receive. In the “Decatur daily” one of the speakers says, “I don’t say this lightly,” said Elliot, “but miracles happen at the drug court. Absolute miracles” (Fleischauer 22). Programs are what people in the system need. Many who have just been released end up getting right into their bad habits again. The rate of people who have gone to programs and returned a better person is higher than the people who have come out of the system without programs and starting a better life for themselves. Instead of judging the criminals and embarrassing them for a crime that they committed, let’s give them the option to rehabilitate.

Offenders that steal, prostitute, or do reckless driving, should not receive the same punishment as a rapist, murderer, or assaulter. The “criminals” are people too and just like every other human, everyone has their problems. Society should shame criminals who commit murder or rape, not drug addicts or people who sin, we need to match the crime with punishment. People should not treat them differently just because they are labeled as a criminal. In the book The Scarlett Letter, the author writes: “This woman has brought shame upon us all, and ought to die”(Hawthorne 46). Back in 1630 when religion was taken very seriously, many would judge others for sinning like how we judge people for committing crimes. People who do drugs and get convicted are often harassed with words like Hester was in “The Scarlett Letter.” In the image, the boy's sign says “I like to steal and have no respect for my mother or authority”(Source D). The image used in the source “Boy” is terrible for a kid. Yes, the boy needed discipline but embarrassing him could make things worse. Putting the kid in a program or talking to him in private could have prevented future crimes. Embarrassing the boy could lead to bullying or harassment. In the “Decatur Daily,” Miss Marshall says “You look at what works and you find a way to get people to do it” (Fleischauer 49). Looking for different ways to punish people for the crimes they commit is the best way to make them equal. Giving each crime a category for punishment is better than shaming them all and expecting them to suddenly change their ways and become a better person. Why should Society give them a chance to rehabilitate? Society should the offenders with minor crimes a chance to change because everyone makes mistakes.

Keeping criminals in jail for a crime is a way to keep them from continuing the crime is the answer. That’s what we learn in today’s society, that putting people in jail is the best way to keep them from committing the same crime again “Some people are not easily shamed, and their innocent family members may also suffer”(Russel 1). Some people are not easily shamed, and their innocent family members may also suffer”(Russel 1). Keeping the offenders in jail does a lot of harm to their families and themselves. In the “Decatur Daily” a woman speaks on her experience, “When she was arrested on the drug charge, she lost custody of her children”(Fleischauer). Locking offenders away isn’t the best case in most situations. A person could lose everything and have no chance to change themselves because they didn’t have the choice to rehabilitate. Most victims who have gone to jail have either died or returned to the system. How long are they going to continue to treat the victims this way? A change in the way they handle these victims is an awesome start.

Many people argue that shame isn't a great form of punishment in the justice system, but rehabilitation and matching the fairness to the crime will help prevent the offenders from being convicted back into jail. It will lower the rate of offenders who returns to jail within the year of being released. Therefore, shame should not be a component of punishment. The offenders who want to change themselves and become better people should get the option to. If they are willing to go to the programs and accept the crime they did and change their ways, then they should get the option. They are not the only ones who need to change, but as a society people need to change their ways of thought and help instead of shaming them just because they committed a crime. Remember they are humane just like everyone else.

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