Trump's Brain Drain by Anne O. Krueger Article Analysis

📌Category: Articles
📌Words: 620
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 15 February 2022

This text is an article written by Anne O. Krueger. It’s titled « Trump’s Brain Drain » and was published on in 2019. It’s about american universities

First of all, a lot of America’s 'greatness’ is due to immigrants. As said, universities are high-quality and very demanding so when foreign students get accepted in one of those universities, they’re really smart, talented and ready to work hard to realise their goals. A lot of those « basic research » have been conducted by foreign students. Most of them pursue their career in the US and therefore by their accomplishments in their career contribute to America’s said ‘greatness’. Universities don’t make students great, students make the universities great. I think we shouldn’t forget this and just attribute all the success to the country like I feel it was done in the first sentence of this text.

A question was raised as i was reading the third paragraph. How much must be full tuition int the US ? 

Because, in France, a recurrent point that we cite when we list America’s negative points is about student loans. We know that american people spend quite a part of their life paying pack the student loans that they take to pay for their studies. So, how much do foreign students pay ? 

Tech companies and foreign students go well together, as said in the text, american high-tech companies would face quite a big issue without foreign students. Indeed, a lot of them study in computer-science and engeneering.

America is known for their diversity so the prensence of foreign students and the interaction between american students and the mis important and just reinforce the believe that america is a big melting pot. The presence of foreign students doesn’t just enriches the universities but also the diversity.

But it looks like the US are using the foreign students as propaganda « many foreign students return home as staunch supporters of America, and can influence their country’s foreign-policy positions accordingly. ». 

More countries have started to try to attract more their own habitant, i think t’s a good way to start improving your country and relations with the population. It can also make your country’s international reputation upgrade.

The drop of the number of foreign students in america is propably die to the changes in immigration regulation/laws. It’s harder to obtain a student visa.

Knowledga has always been valuable and fields such as  biochemistry, computer science, and environmental studies being developed and becoming more precise subjects doesn’t justify a rise in the fees. Knowledge should be accessible to everyone without having to spend the rest of your life paying back for it.

Well the difference is that a tesla and a ford don’t have the same features and materials and technologies. Their prices vary because their abilities and quality also vary. And cars in 1920s used to be literraly just some metal, four wheels and a motor, it didn’t protect the conductor and was badly made. Whereas today, cars have airbags, better materials, and technologies, they’re constructed to protect the driver. And the rise of the fees in tuition happend on a shorter period that the rise of the prices in car industry. And the reason of why it happend is different. Of course the price of cars would rise up since they’ve been improved to protect your life and your security. Tuition fees have rised up for the sole reason to get more money from the population.

As she said, american universities are helping the americzn students a lot but to be able to offer financial aid to american students, the US should attract more foreign students to join their universities. 

In the end, it can be a win-win situation. The foreign students can conduct the studies that they wanted to do in renowned american universities and american students can get financial aid thanks to that. Furthermore, the US continue to improve their global reputation and raking and they have well developed tech companies because of foreign students joining them.

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