Abigail Adams Letter To My Son Rhetorical Analysis Essay Example

📌Category: Historical Figures, History
📌Words: 310
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 11 June 2022

In the letter written by Abigail Adams in 1780 to her son John Quincy Adams, she implies her feelings toward her son taking a voyage with his father. The authors purpose is to persuade her son to stay on the voyage and push through the difficulties while on the voyage . In order to persuade her son she does so by using the rhetorical choice illusion. The author wants the audience to see the importance understand that while difficulties may occur , honor and justice come from perseverance. Abigail Adams letters  reaches out to parents who want their children to strive at their best. 

An example of the authors use of illusion is when she says “would cicero have shone so distinguished and oratory if he had not be roused, kindled, inflamed by the tyranny of Catiline, Verres, and Mark Anthony?” This shows how they faced their troubles and overcame hardship. These men took voyages and faced trouble but preserved and pushed through. Abigail wants to show her son that he can do the same. 

Following, she also shows illusion in the line “when a mind is raised and animated by scenes that engaged the heart, which would otherwise lie dormant, wake into life inform the character of the hero and the statesmen”. This line Abigail demonstrates to her son that qualities that may otherwise not arise come about an adversity she goes on to illude  that if you push through the adversity the qualities will form the character of a hero. 

In conclusion , in the letter written by Abigail Admas to her son it is clear that the author believes you should push through adversity because it will create a character of heroism. The rhetorical devices illusion used in the letter allows the reader to understand perseverance. Through perseverance in  unforeseen difficulties character is built through qualities that may have otherwise lied dormant. When faced with difficulties if you push through you will discover qualities about yourself you didn’t know you had.

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