Analysis Of A Night Divided Essay Sample

📌Category: Books
📌Words: 768
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 28 July 2022

“It always seems impossible until it is done”(Mandela). Often, hopes and dreams seem impossible. They seem like an out-of-reach reality, something that will never realistically occur. But it’s important to remember that hope can be a powerful fuel, and it never hurts to have a little bit of it. In A Night Divided by Jennifer Nielsen, Gerta never loses hope that her family will be reunited. She and her family are determined to get through the Berlin Wall, and they persevere, despite all the obstacles. Hope may seem impossible at times, but a little bit of hope can go a long way to helping someone achieve their goals, as shown by Gerta’s family’s perseverance and her determination to get across the wall.

Throughout the story, Gerta’s family never gives up in their effort to make it across the Berlin Wall. They’re determined to escape a life where they are trapped and long for a future in which they will be free. Regardless of the numerous challenges they face, their determination never wavers. Gerta’s mother especially works hard to reunite her family and make them whole again: “‘Things like family are what matter most. If you were in trouble, how far would your mother go to help you?’”(Nielsen 294). Gerta’s mother’s desperation to get out of East Berlin is highlighted by the way she bribes Viktor. She’s realized how bad life is in the east and doesn’t want her children to continue being trapped here. So she offers Viktor a bribe, one that ultimately leads to her and Gerta escaping. Although she’s expressed distaste for Gerta’s escape plan in the past, her need for a better future overcomes her, and she does everything in her power to leave. Gerta has been determined to escape ever since the wall went up. She never lost hope that her family would someday be reunited and is finally able to act on her wish by digging a tunnel. She and Fritz have to work long hours with no food or water, but giving up is not an option for them: “‘We’ll finish this tunnel, Fritz. We’ll finish this tunnel as if our lives depend on it. Because now, they do’” (Nielsen 169).  Gerta’s determination to finish the tunnel is exemplified by the way she never gives up. For her, giving up is not an option. She works day in and day out to finish the tunnel, and keep anyone from finding out what they are doing. She even goes so far as to lose one of her best friends because of the tunnel: “But it was impossible to allow Anna to stay. Fritz couldn’t leave the building while she was here, and I wouldn’t be able to empty the dirt, or even touch the wheelbarrow right behind me”(Nielsen 185). By telling Anna to leave, Gerta’s determination is once again showcased. She’s willing to do anything to go to the west, even if it means losing a friend. Although it causes her pain to lose Anna, she knows that finishing the tunnel is more important.

Throughout the story, Gerta and Fritz run into multiple impediments when it comes to digging the tunnel. Whether it is water leakage, the fear of being discovered, or not being able to finish in time, the obstacles are constant. Nonetheless, Gerta never wants to stop. She pushes Fritz towards solutions to make him not lose faith in her: “‘We can figure it out as we go. All we have to do is keep moving forward. . . details can be worked out afterwards'”(Nielsen 118). Gerta’s perseverance is demonstrated by her will to continue, in spite of all the challenges. She knows never giving up is the only way to freedom, and she convinces Fritz to think the same way. Her longing to be free acts like fuel for her to keep moving forward. She is also the reason the whole plan for the tunnel made it off the ground in the first place. She was the one who came up with the idea, who convinced Fritz and her mother that this was a good plan. Without her and her perseverance, her family would have been trapped in the east for much longer: “‘We’re here. Though I wouldn’t have made it without Gerta’s help’”(Nielsen 301). Once again, Gerta’s perseverance is illustrated by her constant want for freedom. She deserves and receives credit for her family’s escape and reuniting everyone. If Gerta had given up, none of this would have been possible.

Having hope, determination, and perseverance can allow one to accomplish their goals, as showcased by Gerta and her desire for a life with freedom. She faces many struggles along the way, but she doesn’t let that stop her. Her determination and perseverance are constant, giving her the strength to build the tunnel and escape. Without her, none of this would have been possible. She gave her family a better life and future, all because she decided never to give up.

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