Argumentative Essay Sample on Benefits of Multicultural Society

📌Category: Culture
📌Words: 310
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 20 January 2022

A multicultural society is a society that is made up of a diverse group of individuals. It enables individuals to freely express themselves in terms of religion, language, dress, food, beliefs, and customs without fear of repercussions. A monocultural society, on the other hand, is a society  that has only one culture and no diversity. These two sorts of societies both have pros and downsides, but I believe that a multicultural society will provide more benefits since it will foster open-mindedness and tolerance and provide individuals with more lifestyle options.

Firstly, People from many backgrounds and cultural identities exist in a multicultural society, allowing for the development of open mindedness and tolerance. Open mindedness and tolerance are essential for a society's development, and room for improvement can always be seen when a matter is seen from many perspectives. With open mindedness and tolerance, other individuals who get into the society will also feel embraced, and the opportunity for innovation and creativity will also be higher. 

Secondly, in a multicultural society, many diverse cultures are allowed to be developed, giving individuals more lifestyle options. This availability of options is critical in light of the fact that everyone has distinct life choices. By introducing many cultures, people are able to choose which lifestyle suits them best, they are able to express themselves in the way they desire and their uniqueness can be embraced, which will improve their quality of life. People will also be able to experience more excitement, and a wider range of amazing opportunities can be explored.

In essence, I believe that a multicultural society is better than a monocultural society because it will foster open-mindedness and tolerance in the society as well as provide individuals with more lifestyle options. With open mindedness and tolerance, more room for improvement can be seen, and the opportunity for innovation and creativity will also be higher. The lifestyle options that exist will also improve the quality of life in the society and a wider range of amazing opportunities can be explored.

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