Argumentative Essay: The Importance of Sports

📌Category: Sports
📌Words: 387
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 26 April 2022

Waking up, seeing the bright sun through the window and knowing that its going to be a perfect day for a basketball game with friends. I could never take the thought of playing a fun game with friends and playing sports for granted. Therefore, if I had to choose,  I would rather play sports than not play any sports because of the teamwork and challenges that are present in the sports.

The first reason I support playing sports is because I enjoy the teamwork aspect of the game, and teamwork will help prepare me for the future. Teamwork is important to learn because when somebody gets a job they may have co-workers and will have to work with them to get tasks done. This is important because if people  have the right skills and abilities they can be a good leader and role model to their team and beat  challenges.  Another reason is that teamwork is important to more than 37% of employees. This shows that more people need to have the teamwork skills, a statistic shows that recognizing quality work increased profits by 29%. This goes to show that teamwork can increase productivity to a person and the others/business around them. 

Another reason that I support sports is because of the physical/mental aspect of the sports.. Sports help kids mentaly by teaching them to keep a positive mindset even when they lose and make a mistake. University of Missouri Health states, “ Athletes that participate in sports have boosted self-esteem which also contributes to their academics.”  Next is the physical regards of the sports. From personal experience I know that sports help maintain  physical fitness and help to stay healthy. CDC states “ The recommended  amount of physical activity per day for children age 6-17 is 60+ minutes.” Sports are a key factor in fighting childhood obesity for the kids who choose to play. Those who don’t or are unable are more likely to experience physical restrictions. All in all this is why I like the physical and mental aspects of the sports.

In the end, I would rather play sports and not for one second think about not playing anysports at all.  It helps with a person's teamwork ability and with their physical and mental health, which both impact them everyday. At the end of the day people can go to sleep knowing that there are more days of fun and joy ahead of them with sports.

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