Benefits of In-Person Learning Essay Example

📌Category: Education, Learning
📌Words: 492
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 26 August 2022

In-person classes have been the mode of learning for a while. It is an established method with decent results. Classroom-centric learning is incredibly useful and of great benefit to those who decide to learn this way.  Three reasons to learn in person would be its way of development and engagement in class, access to resources, and services provided.   

People choose to learn in a classroom because it can help them engage clearer and learn better in class. It allows them to physically engage with peers and staff, making it easier to discuss assignments and work. When a student misses it those who did not come to class missed opportunities, as Malesic shows. "What makes me an effective instructor," she said, "has a lot to do with my personality, how I engage in the classroom, using humor. I'm very animated. I like to walk around the classroom and talk with students." Doing so is a way not just to get them engaged but also to test their learning and adjust her teaching on the fly. "I'm not able to do that with students who don't come to the classroom," she said.   

So naturally, those who were used to in-person would prefer the prior when given a survey, as Jimena Gonzalez Ramirez, et al point out, "Figure 1 shows the boxplot of these ratings, indicating a sharp contrast between both learning environments and substantially favoring face-to-face learning." Students considered traditional face-to-face learning considerably more effective than remote learning"(35). The change to digital methods did not have the same effect due to the individual's prior experience showing they were not comfortable.  While some classes work fine online, those that are more hands-on and require using items can be difficult to learn digitally, showing some of their limitations. "There is much evidence that students learn less online than they do in person, in part because online courses demand considerable self-discipline and motivation. And some lessons just don't translate well to a remote format. "You can't learn how to use a microscope online," said Melissa Walsh, who teaches biology and environmental science at U.T.A. 'You just can't' (Malesic) Digital learning can go far, but some curriculums will require more of a hybrid environment or just strictly a classroom environment depending on the class. The classes taken in person have a structure and frame that helps develop skills and thought processes. Those taking classes in person will be able to develop their personal and emotional sides as they interact with staff and students alike  

Those who take classes online can have a great educational experience and do a lot well.  It does not, however, offer the same emotional support when someone is feeling anxious or stressed, which can hurt their productivity. The engagement between students and teachers is also not to the same degree with all contact being online mostly. That is part of why learning in person would be seen as a preferable method for some due to what it offers in certain areas compared to online. Learning in person is essential to the betterment of a student's prowess and field of knowledge and missing it can be detrimental to their success.

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