Characteristics Of Bilbo In The Hobbit (Essay Sample)

📌Category: Books, The Hobbit
📌Words: 624
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 20 July 2022

In the dictionary, the definition of a hero says a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or normal qualities.” How does a short hobbit who lives alone in a hold in the ground become a hero? Joseph Campbell created a guideline called the hero’s journey. This rubric helps show why Bilbo Baggins is considered a hero. Bilbo Baggins is a hobbit who is uncommonly short and lives alone in the ground. The hobbit is used to his same routine and is content with this mundane world that he calls home. (page 4) Bilbo is suddenly called to adventure when 13 dwarves and Gandalf show up at his door and pretend as if they live there. The party says that they want Bilbo to accompany them on an adventure, and he will earn 1/14 of the share of profit. In the refusal of this call, Bilbo denies the invite just like he denies the invite to the tea from Gandalf. (pages 8 and 9)After leaving for the journey, there is a longer road than Bilbo expects. Bilbo crosses the threshold of normalcy when the group conquers the trolls and crosses into the edge of nature. These steps throughout Bilbo's journey prove that Joseph Campbell's theory of the hero's journey is true.

There are plenty of new circumstances that arrive in the story, There are a lot of wins and losses. Multiple things like The goblins' appearance, Defeating the wolves, Getting caught in the spider webs, (pages 174-176) and the riddle battle with Gollum all show up throughout the path of trails the group has to face. The party doesn't do all of these tasks alone though. Throughout their journey, they get advice and lessons from new friends like Beorn and the elves. Gandalf is the wisest person in the book.“tales and adventures sprouted up all over the place wherever he went, in the most extraordinary fashion.”(page 6) Gandalf is introduced as if he is a celebrity but also has some grace when he comes to the door. Gandalf has a quick snap back when Bilbo says good morning to him. The wizard likes to give the characters in this book a good brain game every so often. Although they meet a lot of new people and learn a lot of new lessons, the most important lesson they learn is the battle with Smaug. Bilbo introduces us to Smaug and Smaug doesn't attack him just then. Smaug is the enemy in this book by the looks of the naked eye. When you take a deeper look into it though, the reader realizes without Smaug, Bilbo wouldn't be the person he is at the end of the book. Bilbo learns new skills like being able to burgle he also gains leadership skills. The hobbit’s insight helps by being a loyal hobbit using bravery, courage, and strength for the betterment of the group. With the knowledge of people being angry at Bilbo, the hobbit sacrifices the Arkenstone in hopes that there will be a stop to the war (page 294). When Bilbo returns to his hobbit-hole after the journey, He is greeted with the knowledge that people are auctioning off his belongings and his home because they presumed he was dead. (page 326) Bilbo is now the master of two worlds though, and he doesn't think that the worry is worth it. He knows now that objects are what matter most in the world. The hero's journey is an excellent representation from Campbell of how a hero's journey begins and ends.

This guide to the story is often used in numerous books and movies and it has seemed to work for decades. Tolkien used this because this pattern has proved to be successful in the aspect of popularity. When a person reads these books with the same pattern in everyone, they feel a sense of comfort in knowing that there is a happy ending. There is always a hero in these stories, and in this particular story, Bilbo is portrayed as the hero.


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