Civilization vs. Savagery in Lord of the Flies Essay Sample

📌Category: Books, Lord of the Flies, William Golding, Writers
📌Words: 742
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 22 April 2022

In the novel, The Leviathan written by Thomas Hobbs, a belief is shown that people are born evil and that the only thing holding people back from becoming savage is society. The Lord of the flies is a book which adopts this theory, The book takes place on an island that some young british school boys crashland on. A recurring idea in the book is symbolism William Golding uses these symbols to represent different important ideas within the book.

At the start of the book we are introduced to a character named Simon who is the Godly figure in the book however the thesis still applies to him. Simon is one of the tamer boys but still progresses throughout the book. Simon starts as a perfect role model and stays pretty much the same throughout the book but gets more acquainted with the wild and even bonding with it which can seem as him becoming more savage since he thrives in the wild.  In chapter 4 we get this quote when simon finds a secret spot that he uses as a comfort place, “For a moment his movements were almost furtive” (Golding 57)  Simon is Trying to avoid contact with people so that he can rest within his secret place his actions of trying to get away from civilization could be thought of as a savage trait. Throughout the book the idea of a beast is constantly brought up and Simon's idea to protect themselves from the beast is to confront it even though they know they can't kill it.  This quote is in chapter 8 simon believes the way to confront the beast is to find it  to eliminate their fear, “ I think we ought to climb the mountain”  (Golding 128) The suggestion to climb the mountain is irrational to people in a civilized society such as adults would not make that situation because of the danger involved however the lack of fear is a sign of lack of intelligence.

In chapter 4 we are introduced to face paint, a recurring symbol throughout the book. The one bearing the paint is a character named Jack Merridew who is the leader of a group previously called the choir boys now The Hunters.  Face paint in the book is used to imply the change from being civilized to savage.  In chapter 11 we get this quote from the narrator which explains the use of facepaint within the book, "They understood only too well the liberation into savagery that the concealing paint brought." page (172 Golding)  The face paint brings the boys liberation from society it takes away rules and values of civilized human nature. Through the duration of the book the hunters progressively expand and break away from the other boys; in fact in chapter 9 they become a whole new tribe and are called the savages.   In chapter 4 Jack Merridew puts on face paint for the first time, "He looked in astonishment, no longer at himself but at an awesome stranger." (63 Golding) The covering of his face takes away the responsibility this is shown in chapter 9 the newly formed group of savages end up killing simon in a ritual. The next morning the boys who killed him disregard the death and end up shifting the blame to others.

In chapter 1 we are introduced to a shell or a conch this item becomes the symbol for leadership and power among the boys. The wielder of the conch is the one who has the authority to  speak and the owner of the conch is the leader. It is described in the book to be whoever can blow the conch the best is the leader this is proved by how well Ralph can blow the conch but piggy cannot. The conch's purpose is to be used as a beacon which brings the boys together. It is a symbol of hope and power; whoever wields it is a leader who is to guide the boys.  “Meanwhile Ralph continued to blow till voices shouted in the forest” (18 Golding)  In this quote Ralph finds the conch and blows it this immediately attracts all the boys around which brings them together. In chapter 11 Piggy is killed and the conch is destroyed simultaneously, “The conch exploded into a thousand white fragments' '  (Golding 181) This quote symbolises the dying of hope and the end of civilized manners which was represented with piggy.

The book Lord of the Flies is centered around an idea that society keeps people from reverting back in time and becoming savage. Lord of the Flies demonstrates the shift from society and the mental breakdowns the boys suffer due to the fear of the unknown.

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