Essay Sample about Free-of-Charge University Education

📌Category: Economics, Education, Higher Education
📌Words: 287
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 22 September 2022

In recent years, as the economy grows at a rapid rate leading to inflation, college tuition fees have been drastically pumped up, especially in developed countries. Free tuition is suggested as a method to alleviate the overbearing burden on citizens of lower social classes and also advance the academic quality of a country’s workforce, resulting in economic and societal development.

Free-of-charge university education might be a surefire way to assist underprivileged students with a fair chance to access the education that they deserve. Some pupils come from immigrant backgrounds or may be subjected to the income inequality, making it extremely arduous for them to be able to afford higher education. This is indeed unfair for them, as education is a right for each individual, irrespective of their socio-economic circumstances. Free tertiary education can assure that every student has a chance to better their knowledge and, therefore, may help them to get over the poverty line. This could help diminish the demarcation between people of high and low social statuses. 

There is sufficient ground to argue that abolishing tuitions can contribute to a country achieving a more educated workforce. Knowledge is the key to improve economic growth and promote social welfare. Having erudite employees can help companies and the government achieve more efficiency, as they are properly equipped to perform their jobs, which require certain sets of skills and qualifications to be met. Instead of having multiple workers performing one job, this could now be reduced to one worker who previously had access to education to master his profession. Smart and educated people can make a society grow at a faster pace. This can also help better the education system for future generations. 

By and large, I believe that tuition waivers can help underprivileged people achieve higher academic standards as well as help a country to boost its development because of a more educated labour force.

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