Essay Sample about Imperialism, Militarism and Alliances in World War I

📌Category: History, War, World War I
📌Words: 556
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 21 March 2022

The Archduke of Austria, Franz Ferdinand, was assassinated by a Serbian nationalist in 1914, starting World War I. This was a worldwide conflict that lasted from July 28, 1914, to November 11, 1918. At the end of World War I, more than 9 million soldiers had died and nearly 21 million had been injured. There were several causes of World War I, but militarism, imperialism, and alliances were the three most significant. 

One underlying cause of World War I was militarism. Document K shows a graph of the growth of armaments from 1890 to 1914. Germany invested a lot of its money in its army in order to create a very strong military. Because Germany had the most power on the continent, this evidence supports the idea that militarism was a root cause of the war. The British army, on the other hand, had the most powerful army in the world. This led both Germany and Britain to compete to see who had the world's strongest and most powerful military. In document L, it says, “We realize that without power, without a strong army and a strong navy, there can be no welfare for us.” There isn't any benefit for them any countries without an army.  Without powerful defenses on both land and sea of a country, the citizens will lose their homes, friends, family, and probably their life.

Imperialism was also a cause for World War I. Document P tells us that Britain's empire was 33,000,000 square miles, which meant that they had the highest population in their colonies, which reached 400,000,000 people. France had the second-largest empire, with 11,500,000 square miles, and the second-largest population, with 56,000,000 people. The more land and the higher the population they had, the easier it was for them to attack another country. The bigger nation would take control over more areas and people. Eventually, that country would take control of all of the countries around them. Document O shows an illustration of an octopus reaching over and grabbing multiple colonies. Britain, who is the Octopus, is taking  Africa's, Asia's, Australia's, and America's resources. If the British consume all of the world's resources, Germany would be left with leftovers and would lose its high status.

Lastly, alliances have an impact on causing world war I.Document G shows a cartoon of all the countries pointing fingers at each other, but mostly Germany for the "death of peace in Europe" except Italy.  Because they had an alliance, England, Belgium, Russia, and France are all pointing their fingers at Russia. Italy is not blaming anyone for being unsure. Austria and Serbia are pointing fingers at one another since Serbia assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, while Austria blames Serbia for starting the war. The assassination of the Archduke of Austria-Hungary lead to war between Russia and Germany because alliances that Serbia and Austria-Hungary had with other countries pulled them into war. Document D shows a map with a key of what countries were part of the triple alliances, triple entente, and neutral nations. The triple alliance was made up of Germany, Austria Hungary, and Italy. The three countries promised to help each other if either France or Russia attacked any of them. The alliance's goal was to promote cooperation and protection for each other. 

Militarism, imperialism, and alliances were the three major underlying causes of World War I. Document B talks about how War is discipline, sacrifice, and courage. War is the nature of life. without fighting, nothing lives in nature, is born, grows, or multiplies. Only feared nations have grown. Once a country gives up, it dies.

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