Essay Sample about Rationalist Writers

📌Category: Writers
📌Words: 676
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 05 February 2022

In the seventeenth century, colonists sought comfort in perfecting their ideas through rationalism, a viewpoint that sought to explain life in a logical way with science and evidence. This idea became extremely prominent in the years leading up to the American Revolution, as British officials began to oppress colonists and violate their natural rights. Rationalist writers such as Patrick Henry and Thomas Paine, often sought to problem solve and find truth through logic and reasoning; persuading their audiences with rhetorical devices. Therefore, rationalist arguers use various rhetorical techniques to persuade their given audiences. 

A rationalist author who underlines his experience and authority through his writing is Patrick Henry, demonstrating his knowledge in using an ethos appeal to persuade his audiences.In the historical speech “Give me Death or Give me liberty,” Henry presented solutions to a council of Colonist men, his main idea being to raise a militia for their protection and freedom from the crown: by flattering yet authorizing his tone. This is exemplified in “No man thinks more highly than I do of the patriotism, as well as abilities, of the very worthy gentlemen who have just addressed the House.“ but then continues to state that in troubling times he feels a sense of obligation to speak forth his opinions. Henry presents himself as a humble and tentative spokesperson to his audience, all the while asserting his authority: forming an ethos appeal. Provoking an incentive for his audience to believe that raising a militia is the best idea, bringing about his purpose after influencing the minds of his audience through ethos. Henry continues to illustrate the “insidious” and “devious” intentions of the British crown by analyzing current events, as British officials say they want to resolve issues peacefully, all the while British fleets line up on Colonial coasts.  Continuing to express himself in the following manner, "Should I keep back my opinions....I should consider myself as guilty of treason towards my country, and of an act of disloyalty toward the Majesty of Heaven, which I revere above all earthly kings. Henry urges his audience not to be deceived, imploring them not to repeat mistakes of the past in believing the deceitful lies of the British ministry.  Building his credibility by proclaiming himself to be a good citizen and Christian, appealing to their ethics of holding a celestial being/place in a much higher standard than any earthly (human) king. 

On the other hand, Thomas Paine uses personification to evoke an emotional (Pathos) appeal. In 1776, the new recruit of the Continental army, Paine, wrote a series of pamphlets during the retreat from New Jersey to Philadelphia, including the Historical speech “The crisis, no. 1,” urging Colonists not to give up hope. Discussing political affairs of war in an uplifting manner of success, stating “Heaven knows how to set a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed, if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.” By personificating heaven, Henry triggers an emotional reaction and understands that by giving human characteristics, emotions, and behaviors, to non-human things, animals, and ideas, that it helps persuade audiences. Consequently, audience’s attain the author’s purpose and are persuaded by personification to react accordingly or akin to their credence of heaven. Secondly, Paine refers back to the colonial thought in which they found the British ministry to be untrustful and deceitful after ten years of attempting to resolve conflict between the British crown and the American Colonies peacefully. To which he states, “America did not, nor does not, want force; but she wanted a proper application of that force.”  Paine reinforces his purpose to invoke hope onto the minds of wealthy men in order to gain more financial support for their cause, and by associating the colonists' hope of an independent country; it allows for his audience to connect with his outlook on an emotional level. Reflecting back to the Pathos appeal, which induces colonists’ feeling of duty and responsibility towards their country, families, and freedom.

Rhetorical devices allow arguers to connect with their audiences and express their ideas on a deeper level. However, an author must understand how to properly use rhetorical devices in order for audiences to obtain a better understanding of the author’s message. Which can essentially persuade and/or overturn an individual's initial opinion, through a powerful message. Therefore, rhetorical techniques are used by Rationalist arguers to better persuade their given audiences.

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