Essay Sample on Firearms

📌Category: Gun Control, Social Issues
📌Words: 1135
📌Pages: 5
📌Published: 04 October 2022

The right to bear arms is the second amendment in the bill of rights. Many people believe that congress or the ATF should increase firearm laws. This is a very controversial topic nowadays. Mostly everybody has an opinion on firearms whether they are for or against them. People feel that they would be safer if there were no firearms. That there would be no senseless killings, fewer robberies, and fewer suicides. Well, that's not the case a person who intends to do bad will still do bad no matter what. There are many ways people can commit crimes: knives, blunt objects, and believe it or not their hands. Even if the government were to make laws stricter. That would just make it harder for the good hardworking people of our country to protect and defend themselves and their families. This is also infringing on our rights as Americans.

There are many ways firearm laws stop people from obtaining firearms nowadays. Criminals are already blacklisted from purchasing firearms. There is a background check that must be done before being allowed to purchase a firearm. if you have a disorder you as well will not be able to obtain a firearm. Some people may even state it's already pretty hard to obtain a firearm legally. The process to obtain a firearm is already pretty long. If it's made longer it will just make people less motivated to obtain one. Increasing the laws to obtain a firearm won't change much except for the fact that there will be way more vulnerable people in our country. On the other hand, Increasing firearm laws won't stop criminals from obtaining them. The article “Source and Use of Firearms Involved in Crimes: Survey of Prison Inmates, 2016” states in chapter 2 lines 1 and 2 ”An estimated 287,400 prisoners had possessed a firearm during their offense. Among these, more than half (56%) had either stolen it (6%), found it at the scene of the crime (7%), or obtained it off the street or from the underground market (43%)``. There are ways of getting around gun laws like gun shows, black markets, and simply from someone off the street. So increasing gun laws sounds like a good plan. It will just help increase the black market. The enemy will end up with an advantage. For this reason, instead of looking down on firearm owners, we should encourage others to obtain their firearms.

Increasing firearm laws won't stop criminals from committing crimes. There are many ways for criminals to commit crimes from knives, blunt objects, and even guns obtained illegally. People will say just call the proper authorities. Well, that's just the case if someone gets robbed they no longer have a phone. They could get injured or be in life-threatening danger all because they had no way of defending themselves. Even if they can contact the authorities the criminal is already gone. If the criminal gets caught later on all their belongings are most likely gone never to be seen again. In the article “What the data says (and doesn’t say) about crime in the United States'' in chapter 5 line two it states “In 2019, the FBI reported a total of 2,109.9 property crimes per 100,000 people, compared with 379.4 violent crimes per 100,000 people.'' Criminals aren't as dumb as they seem; they will go for an easy target. Now think how many of these crimes could have been stopped if people had the right item to protect themselves. People wouldn't have to cower in fear if someone were to intrude on their property they would be able to stand their ground and protect themselves, their families, and belongings.

Another overlooked factor in this topic is how this will affect the people that use firearms for sport. Many people use firearms to hunt for something that's their main source of food. There are also benefits to hunting. In the article “7 Invasive Species That Have Wreaked Havoc in the US” in paragraph 5 line 4 it states “The U.S.D.A. estimates, conservatively, that invasive swine cause upward of $1.5 billion in damage annually to all manner of agriculture, including rice, corn, and grains.” Hunter helps by hunting wild boar for sport. helping the government save money. Other invasive species are being neutralized by hunters. So there are upsides to having firearms. Firearms are used as a relaxation method by some as a hobby to help pass the time. Hunters will help lower invasive sepsis while if laws change, there will be a significant change in the way people live and the way the wildlife grows and it may cause damage. If animals increase in population that will harm farmers' crops which will cause a food shortage.

The biggest and most common argument for this topic is that thousands of people die every year due to firearms. in the article “What the data says about gun deaths in the U.S.” chapter 3 line 1 states “In 2020, the most recent year for which complete data is available, 45,222 people died from gun-related injuries in the U.S.” While yes this is true sadly the majority of these deaths are due to suicides. in that same article, it states in a pie graph that 50% of deaths are due to suicides. Increasing firearm laws will not stop suicides from happening it won't stop people from killing and won't stop crime. People want to blame the firearm for the people's suicides but don't want to encourage the fact they dint reach out to that person who was in a bad place. People want to believe that firearms are the ones killing people. What they fail to realize is that the one at fault is the one holding the firearm. A firearm is just a tool if someone is intent on murdering someone they will accomplish their goal it does not need to be a firearm it's just the easiest and quickest way to do so. While firearms do have a high death count it's not even close to the top ten causes of death in the US. People love to bring up how many deaths are caused due to firearms but fail to see that people die every day due to what they drink, eat and smoke. The death count for firearms pales in comparison to these topics.

The increase in firearm laws will not benefit this country. It might cause more havoc than good. The increase in rules will disrupt the environment. A decrease in hunting will cause an increase of animals that would end up damage to food supplies. The increase in law will cause the crime rate to skyrocket because it will make it easier to get robbed since fewer people have ways of protecting themselves. Criminals will still be able to get their hands on firearms. There will be an increase in black market activities to obtain firearms. That will increase the number of criminals with weapons. while the automatic will try their best to control the crime they won't be able to. They will end up overwhelmed and in a losing battle. Instead of increasing laws, we should focus on teaching how, when, and where it's appropriate to use firearms. There are many ways this could be done. We could teach about firearm safety in schools. To help give a better understanding of weapons.

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