Essay Sample on Global Warming

📌Category: Climate Change, Environment
📌Words: 543
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 27 March 2022

“There's one issue that will define the contours of this century more dramatically than any other, and that is the urgent threat of a changing climate." -Barack Obama. Climate change is one of the most destructive issues on our planet. Many people, places, and animals have been affected by the drastic changes. The leading cause being burning fossil fuels, deforestation, etc., that create greenhouse gasses. Earth's temperature has risen by 0.14° F (0.08° C) per decade. Illnesses among humans have increased due to the climate changes. Studies have shown that over 15,000 people have been estimated to have died as a result of the extreme weather conditions. Places have been experiencing droughts, storms, floods, etc. Animals have been losing their homes due to the high and low temperatures as well. 

Climate change, which refers to the long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns, can impact people in more ways than one. Due to the temperature changes, people have been getting sick. Warm gasses cause unhealthy air, droughts decrease food sources, and more. Warming of 2-3 °C is estimated to increase the number of people at risk of diseases by up to 5 percent globally, or more than 150 million people. As a person on this planet, I see myself as a person who can help change and better our society and world as a whole.

Not only does climate change affect people, but places as well. The hot weather has impacted cities around the world to cold weather. For example, in Massachusetts, it is reported that spring has been arriving earlier and bringing more precipitation, heavy rainstorms are more frequent, and summers are hotter and drier. This is due to the many greenhouse gasses surrounding the Earth, making it warmer. Animals have been losing their homes because of these gasses. Climate change currently affects 10,967 species, increasing the likelihood of their extinction. The warmer temperatures are melting the ice caps; deforestation has been cutting down animals' homes, and wildfires destroy the ecosystems of these organisms. There are many alternatives that we can take to stop this issue.

The variety of ways you can positively impact the environment ranges from using less water and saving energy at home, making your voice heard by the public, and working with other large companies. Even using electric cars and lessening our transportation use can help the Earth. This can prevent the harmful greenhouse gasses from building up in our air. Although, the only way to make a difference is to work together. I can see myself making a positive impact by raising my voice and doing my part that will soon make a significant change. Furthering my education and becoming a pediatrician will improve our society because I will be able to provide any assistance to kids who have been affected by global warming. For example, kids could get frostbite, overheat, etc. My education will grow my knowledge of how I can help, and it will help me better and further understand the source of global warming and improve the environment. 

To sum up, we can all agree that global warming is one of the main issues on the planet caused by people, but can also be solved by people. Our actions have significant effects on the different ecosystems. Whether it's not recycling or driving cars when we could walk, it all plays a part in the climate changes and how we treat it. Together, we can solve this issue in many ways. We can prevent climate change and make our world a better place.

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