Flexibility of The Constitution Essay Example

📌Category: Government
📌Words: 497
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 19 August 2022

The founding fathers' natural concerns and distrust of government are reflected in the Constitution. They had recently put off the governance of a system that invested a high amount of control in one individual and a body of officials with limited authority and oversight of the monarch. This system did not provide for direct representation of all individuals, and many Americans believed that it allowed for unpredictable actions to be implemented without giving those who were impacted the opportunity to be heard, seen, or known.

The founding fathers built a flexible framework that is both limited and powerful. It has had the ability to adjust to the changing needs of an advanced nation and evolving times. It grants the government particular responsibilities and, more crucially, it gives the government the authority to carry out those responsibilities while retaining the people's power. Citizens have the power to replace, remove, or more effectively deal with legislators who are not successfully serving their constituents. Parts of the government that are not directly accountable to the public check themselves against other government branches to avoid tyranny, which was something the founding fathers did not want. 

The Constitution establishes the United States' basic structure of government. The Bill of Rights was enacted to defend traditional rights that the states thought the federal government might infringe on. While most Americans have never read it and have very little understanding of what it says, they will argue that it entitles them to any freedoms that serve their agenda and has accomplished notable legislation.

The Constitution was founded on the principle that all rights originally belonged to the people. These are rights that are inherent and self-evident. The people believed that establishing a self-governing structure was necessary in order for the new government to work effectively. As a result, they drafted a constitution to administer the government. The government's authority is limited by the constitution. Any right, freedom, or privilege not conferred on the government reverts to the citizen, the natural owner. The constitution reflects the dreams, anxieties, and concerns of the founding fathers. Perhaps the most remarkable thing was that they understood the role of individual ambitions in the failure of previous governments, and they knew well enough not to trust them themselves. As we have seen, the constitution has proven to function throughout history, and the government it established is stable and suitable for progressing forward in the future.

For many individuals, the Constitution's uncertainty is a positive thing. It's worth noting that the United States was founded on the idea of a federation of sovereign states. The idea is that anything that isn't clear can be filled in by new regulations as needed (it is appropriate to deal with problems as they emerge rather than try to forecast them) or by the member states that make up the United States. The extent to which state or federal governments should fill in the blanks in these precise definitions is still being debated today. The Constitution recognizes its flaws and includes a method for building or changing them, which has been done a total of twenty-seven times. While the first ten amendments were made before the Constitution was adopted, this just goes to show how important the Constitution's flexibility is.

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