King Louis XVI in France History Essay Sample

📌Category: Historical Figures, History
📌Words: 468
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 12 June 2022

French Louis 16th was very reluctant in giving the Americans the help they desired during the Revolutionary war. The Americans were in a plead for help during the revolutionary war, because they were no match for the strength of the British. As America was fighting for a republic; France was dealing with a monarch struggling with an economic divide. Americans wanted the naval support, and recognition of being an independent country. France being a mortal enemy of the British had to think hastily whether or not it was worth helping the Americans. King Louis had to think about rebellion, debt, and revenge.

The French were in economic shambles. The normal citizen was struggling, however the upperclassman in France would be seen dancing at the lavish Palace of Versailles. Talent and craftsmanship did not determine economic status; the family a citizen was born into would however. As King Louis was in his palace, he feared if an American republic went successfully, why then wouldn’t the poor in France desire one. A successful republic in America could throw King Louis off the throne. Tension throughout France was brewing with rebellion, therefore to King Louis why would it be worth it to help a country in which was no threat to them.

War was expensive. War would require militia, soldiers, and food. All of the assets needed for war would add up,  wouldn’t even guarantee a result of victory. The French were already in a plethora of debt after spending an absurd amount of money because of the king. There would be no way for the French to make the money back, because after French and Indian war they were no longer considered a major power in Europe. However if the French were able to win the war for America, than they would be put back on the map. This would make it easier for the French to get back a lot of money from providences. 

The French had a taste of vengeance in their math as their competitor Great Britain had embarrassed the French in the last war. The British had taken all of the past French land in Canada as well as the Ohio Valley. France has lost all of their land in North America, which took the world power title away from them. The French and British have a huge rivalry, which would make beating the British in a war a great pleasure. By beating the British the French could try to get some land back in North America, while causing the British to feel morally destroyed.

King Louis had a hard time determining whether or not it was worth fighting in the war. Fighting in the war would be a change to see many economic and moral changes throughout France, and to their competitors. France had to worry about what a successful republic may turn its fellow citizens into thinking about their own problems. They would have to decide if revenge with a common enemy, and economics worth fighting for a land so far away.

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