Loss of Innocence in Frankenstein Essay Example

đź“ŚCategory: Books, Frankenstein
đź“ŚWords: 542
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 10 April 2022

The monster's primary affliction is that he was abandoned by his creator the moment he was introduced into the world. He felt lost in his feelings, confused about his new senses, and didn't understand his surroundings. The creature had no notion how to socialize and found himself separated from society and undesirable in communities. He had no one he could express himself to, no one to share his thoughts with, and no one to accompany him. This feeling of being alone and rejected fueled the creature's rage and need for vengeance, Victor was to blame because he was the creator who had abandoned him. The creator develops a monstrous mindset towards his creator that leads him to lose his innocence and seek vengeance through a series of violent crimes. It was evident that the monster gained the sensation for revenge due to loneliness, retaliation, and loss of innocence.

The creature finds himself isolated and rejected from society. The monster comes across a family that lives in a cottage, and he would soon observe the bases of relationships within the family. As he notices the care and interactions between family members, he becomes wondrous and angry about why he is alone. Why does he stand out? So he decides to introduce himself to them in hopes of being accepted, saving himself from this harsh loneliness. But the creature gets rejected, which causes him to lose his mind and seek revenge on the one he thinks is to blame. As the monster stated: "seek justice which I vainly attempt to gain from any other being that wore the human form" (Shelly, pg 120). Thus, the monster blames all humans for rejecting him and isolating him from society, therefore, vowing revenge on all of mankind. When the monster storms through the woods and comes across William, when he finds out that he is a Frankenstein he says: "you belong then to my enemy-to him towards whom I swore eternal revenge; you shall be my first victim." (Shelly, pg 122). The monster kills William because he is related to Victor who he believes is the reason behind his loneliness. So generally speaking, the creature wants to kill off Victor's family so he would feel the pain of being alone as a form of retaliation.

In addition, loss of innocence also had a role in bringing the monster to pursue revenge. It all comes to Victor since he is the one who kept a secret about his project. Victor worked on creating the creature in secret, hoping to create something unique. But instead of taking responsibility, Victor abandons the monster due to its hideous physical appearance. As a result of this abandonment, the monster becomes furious and angry with his creator as he says: "He had abandoned me: and, in the bitterness of my heart I curse him." (Shelly, pg 118) The monster blames Victor for this isolation and hates him for it. Consequently, this leads to the creature losing his innocence and giving up his ambition in trying to fit into society and instead target Victor's family. Victor also loses his innocence when betraying the monster in a promise to create a partner for the creature. Victor stated how he didn't want to have another demon as he explains: "I thought with a sensation of the madness of a promise of creating another like him" (Shelly, pg 142). This kind of response from Victor is what drove the creature to retaliate and start picking off Victor's family members one by one.

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