Persuasive Essay on Seatbelt Laws

📌Category: Law
📌Words: 530
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 19 February 2022

Seatbelts are safe and seatbelt laws should be enforced. Seatbelts are helpful in many ways, keeping you safe, averting bad injuries, and helping you not get a ticket for not wearing a seatbelt.

Seat Belts can legitimacy save lives, 85% of lives have been saved because of seatbelts. For example, in paragraph 5 of “Seatbelts Save Lives” it states, “Simply put, seat belts are life savers according to the National highway traffic safety administration, seat belts saved 12, 713 lives during 2009. If everyone involved in accidents had worn seat belts that year, 3,688 more would have survived.” Seatbelts had saved over 12,500 lives because they wore seatbelts. People that didn't wear them had mostly died, if someone didn't die then they probably had a really bad injury.

A long time ago seat belts actually weren't installed in cars, people thought that they were captivating their freedom. In addition, in paragraph 1 of “Repel seat belt laws”  it states, “America is a free country. Even very young children say this is so.” America is nonetheless a free country, but America enforces laws. They enforce laws that keep us safe, that keep other people safe. Furthermore, in “Repel seatbelt laws” on paragraph 1 it states, “ Among the worst of these are seat belt laws. State governments should repel them as soon as possible.” Seat belts may be annoying but they take away our right to make choices and decisions, but if people want to live or not pay the hospital bill and be in debt forever, wear your seat belt.

These things may be true, but seat belts are uncomfortable and people who have been in an accident with no seatbelt have reported they've received no major injuries to their body in any way. For example, in paragraph 2 of “Repeal Seatbelt laws” it states, “people who claim that seat belts trap people in wrecked cars can point to only a handful of actual examples as proof.” While some people get in accidents, sometimes they can't get out of the car. In addition, in paragraph 5 of “Repel seatbelt laws” it states, “ Some insurance companies raise  for law violations, even for drivers who have never driven recklessly or caused an accident.” People who never caused an accident or drove recklessly still get a fee for not wearing a seatbelt. Furthermore in paragraph 4 of “ Seat belts laws save lives” it states, “ it is true that seat belts occasionally cause injury to the neck and torso, some people have been trapped inside burning cars by seat belts are dangerous to the human body and could leave someone on life threatening situations, but a lot more numbers show that people that have worn their seat belts have survived bad accidents.

Seat belts smay leave you trapped in a car or they may be uncomfortable, but nonetheless should people wear their seatbelts. Seatbelts save lives and they can prevent major injuries. This is important because you don't wanna pay huge hospital bills and be in major debt forever. Seatbelts were later installed in cars, this is important because doctors said that they were important. Seat belts are annoying and can cause injury to the human body. This is important because you don't wanna deal with seatbelts while you're driving that could cause an accident. Therefore, seat belt laws should be imposed in all states. Would you enforce seat belt laws?   

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