Persuasive Essay: The Parable Of The Talents

📌Category: Books
📌Words: 906
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 01 July 2022

The term "proselytize" was first used in 1679. It refers to enforcing one's religious or political ideas on another person. Different political parties and religions rise in Octavia Butler's novel, Parable of the Talents. The main character, Lauren Olamina, is a leader of her religion, Earthseed, has sadly passed away; Larkin reads her mother's journals to cope with her sadness. Larkin is followed as she copes with the aftermath of her mother's death. The story bounces back from Lauren and Larkin's points of view, each expressed in different time periods but each expressed in present tense. Lauren's strong religious leadership in America is also discussed, as is Jerret, another major political figure. Christian America was his religious affiliation, and his purpose was to "Make America Great Again" as well as go on a crusade to expel all non-Christians. He wants to convert everyone to Christianity, but this causes disarray. People like Jerret only cause destruction because they don't give people freedom of choice, which is why forcing someone's beliefs on another can lead to destruction.

Women's rights to abortion are currently under threat around the world. Roe vs. Wade is the constitutional right to an abortion; and the supreme court is considering making it illegal. The reason it's getting overturned is that people are concluding that as soon as the egg and sperm are fertilized, the zygote is alive. According to the article, the typical patient is already a mother; poor, unmarried, in her late 20s, and very early in her pregnancy. (Why the Supreme Court Could Overturn Roe v. Wade). These people undergo abortions as they cannot afford to have a child in their current situation. It's already challenging for them to survive, so having to care for another human might be close to impossible. There are many outcomes to illegalizing abortion. Not only is it stripping individuals of their right to have children, but it is also causing an increase in adoption centers, foster care, unsafe abortions that can result in death or harm to the client, planned parenthood, and plenty of other concerns. People get abortions for financial reasons or medical conditions (Thinking Critically: Abortion). Anti-abortion has a negative impact on not just the woman, but also the embryo's outcome. Whether it is born or not, it is sometimes a do-or-die crisis because it can kill the embryo and the person carrying it. Because of the negative outcomes of illegalizing abortion, women's rights to have an abortion should be protected and it should be their choice.

While women's rights may be taken away, another concern is that certain American students refuse to stand or say the pledge and are facing severe repercussions. Saying the pledge signifies demonstrating our respect for those who died for this country's freedom, as well as our unity and freedom of choice. However, subsequent events such as the Black Lives Matter movement have forced individuals to refuse the pledge. The objective of not standing for the pledge is to exhibit their freedom of choice as well as to indicate that not everyone in the "free" country is equal. Several consequences have been displayed, and many children have received suspensions or even expulsion (Black Lives Matter Activist Discusses Human Rights, Racial Injustices). Religious objections are another reason for refusing to say the pledge. A boy from Spring Hill, Florida was a Jehovah's Witness, and his religion states that he cannot worship other objects. Even though the teacher was aware, she still physically forced the boy to put his hand over his heart and recite the pledge (Forcing Pledge Broke Rules). The teacher was placed on a five-day suspension without pay and required to attend a diversity training class. By forcing the child to participate in something he wasn't allowed to partake in, conflict erupted, and the situation quickly escalated. People must be able to respect the beliefs of others, or else they will do more harm than good.

On the other hand, there are some countries attempting censorship against anyone who challenges their beliefs. The Justice Ministry of Uzbekistan has admonished religious debaters in the country against forcing their beliefs on others. In a statement made on its platform on September 7, 2021, the ministry reaffirmed that Uzbekistan is a secular state, with residents having the freedom to practice any faith or none at all. The BBC's Central Asia Monitoring Some religious speakers stated that they have recently been detected casting doubt on the country's secular laws, notably by promoting restrictions on women's rights (Uzbekistan Warns Religious Speakers Against 'Forcing' Their Views). Because of the speakers' attempts to impose their beliefs on others, social media has played a significant role in not only disseminating information but also attracting the attention of politicians, which is why it's important to note that their actions and consequences are not going unnoticed. In a statement, the ministry stated, "Forcing one's religious beliefs on others is not permitted in our nation." This constitutional concept is unwavering and unchanging, and it will never be changed. Any action or activity that attempts to impose religious beliefs on individuals is illegal (Uzbekistan Warns Religious Speakers Against 'Forcing' Their Views). Since the minister stands up for justice and respects the law, disobeying the law will result in repercussions, and the ideals will not spread to others.

Even if times have changed and people's ideas have been more public, it has only resulted in greater conflict and damage. It is critical for society to recognize that what you believe may not always be what others believe. Like in the Parable of the Talents, many people are forcibly forced to join their religion or perish. People today are actively suffering and possibly dying as a result of their freedom of choice being ripped away. As a society, we must be aware of the consequences of constantly voicing our opinions in public. That being said, imposing personal ideas on others can lead to disaster.

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