Physical Books Are Better Than Electronic Books Argumentative Essay

đź“ŚCategory: Books
đź“ŚWords: 464
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 03 April 2022

Reading is beneficial because it expands our minds, provides everyone with limitless knowledge and lessons, and keeps our minds working. Unlike anything else in the world, books can collect and preserve all types of knowledge, stories, thoughts, and feelings. The importance of a book to help us learn and understand things cannot be justified. Some people believe that electronic books are better for reading because of convenient reasons. From my point of view, physical books have many advantages that are better at reading than electronic books. The following paragraph will provide reasons why books are better for reading.

To begin with, physical books have the advantage of not harming health, but electronic books do. Since many occupations are required to stare at a computer screen for long periods of time, it is a good idea to take breaks as much as possible. According to a survey, nearly half of 429 university students stated they experienced itchy eyes after reading digitally. When reading electronic books, screen fatigue can cause blurred vision, redness, dryness, and irritation. On the other hand, printed books do not involve any of these issues. Furthermore, reading from a screen before going to bed is not a good idea. Blue light from a screen has been shown in study after study to reduce melatonin levels, making it more difficult to fall asleep and making them feel tired when they wake up. All of the above can be seen that physical books provide many health benefits. 

Secondly, reading is more effective with printed books. According to a study published in Italy in 2014, readers of print books absorb and memorize more of the plot than readers of e-books. Print readers also scored higher in other categories, including empathy, absorption in the book, and narrative understanding, in a previous study. This effect is thought to be related to the physical sense of having a book in hand, according to scientists. In other words, seeing and feeling how far the story has progressed under the growing and fading pages on either side of the book can make readers feel as if they are virtually unfolding the story. Moreover, with a print book, it is easier to go back and confirm information that readers may be unsure of without losing their place and having to scroll or click back on their mobile device or tablet. According to a study, readers of print books absorb and remember more information than readers of e-books do. Furthermore, physical books readers are less likely to get distracted than e-books readers, who can get distracted by a lot of things such as social media, notifications etc. 

In conclusion, physical books have many advantages divided into two categories. The first one is the health benefits that reduce blurred vision, redness, dryness, and irritation caused by reading. Besides, it helps readers to sleep well. Another one is that print book readers can absorb and remember more information than readers of e-books. Furthermore, physical books readers are less likely to get distracted than e-book readers.

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