Reflection about Justice (Essay Example)

📌Category: Philosophy
📌Words: 355
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 21 October 2022

Joy Harjo once stated “All acts of kindness are lights in the war for justice.”  Justice is alike to a war, one side fighting for one's own. Though one side fights for the benefit of their own gain, out of spite or revenge. One side fights to help bring awareness that justice is not to help one, but to help all. And every instance that justice is used for kindness, it brings light to the true meaning of justice. Justice is an act of kindness of the fact that people support and help represent true and fair justice for all and the many.

To further comprehend the meaning of true and fair justice, we must look and explore what it means for justice to be true and fair. "equals should be treated equally and unequals unequally." (Aristotoles – Thousand years ago). The principle of the quote elucidates that individuals should all be treated equally, unless said individual differs in a way corresponding to a situation in which one is involved in. This supports the claim in which to reach true and fair justice all must be treated but to their own accord.

People shouldn’t be treated higher or lower because of what they represented or did in the past. But to show true and fair justice, humanity must only show equality on the actions committed in the now, not back then or the what. To further support the claim above more evidence was gathered. “... we generally hold that it is unjust to give individuals special treatment on the basis of age, sex, race, or their religious preferences.” This evidence not just defends the claim, but (invigorates | supports) the (preceding | Aforementioned) evidence as well. In society, people see that upholding another based on certain aspects of themselves, but not of an action they committed is considered wrong. And this is true in a court, if one were to receive, “A slap on the wrist” while another were to be sentenced harshly. Though person A committed a more severe crime than person B, society can see how that can break the system of justice.

So to constantly keep justice as an act of kindness, fairness, and truth, people treat others with equality depending not on what they are, but on how they acted.

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