Reflective Essay about Sugar In School Breakfasts

📌Category: Education, Food, School
📌Words: 542
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 08 April 2022

In a lot of states all over the country schools have been having a lot of push back regarding having sugar in school breakfasts that are given out to students everyday. School districts participating in the National School Breakfast Program follow a strict set of nutritional regulations set forth by the USDA under the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act (HHFKA) of 2010 in response to the childhood obesity epidemic.Parents are concerned that these breakfasts have too much sugar in them and should not be given to their children. As the parents of the children have been told about these breakfasts they started to look at the amount of sugars in the food given out. Schools have begun being accused of causing childhood obesity with how many unhealthy things they provide for students everyday. Specifically a school in Houston has been under fire because of their choices in lunch choices, they have gone over every single issue and tried to explain in great detail their perspective on the problems that have been brought to their attention.Despite numerous obstacles, Houston ISD Nutrition Services tried to reduce added sugars while operating a system  within budgetary constraints and with menu items that the students will consume..In  my opinion I don’t agree with parents blaming schools for childhood obesity because there are many other places for a child to get their hands on foods that are high in sugar and carbs. As someone who has been a child before, I know how easy it is to find something with a lot of sugar in it. I do also believe that schools should offer multiple options so that children can choose what one they want. Most of all my overall opinion is that parents should not be blaming schools. In my past schools we always had healthy options for our lunches but also breakfasts. I had never known how big of an issue this was till I had to write this essay and I started researching more and more about this topic and learned so many interesting things. I also am interested to hear the students' side on this whole topic because we have heard the parents' side and the principals but I am interested in what the children have to say about this whole thing. Parents are concerned about their children's health because they send their kids to school and expect them to be well taken care of. They seem to worry about them, which I can understand because they want their kids to have the best healthy life. In conclusion to the essay I believe that this topic is interesting and that the principal of the school handled it very well by making sure he had all the facts of the problem so he could help make a solution that could make every parent of the students happy. 

Reflection questions

My first thoughts when I was reading the article was that the parents were being over dramatic over the whole thing. After reading deeper into the article I still believe it was brought up to a bigger issue than it could've been. Also I can see how the parents felt the way they did about the situation because of it being their children. Reading the articles can help you respond to the source of the topic by having all the facts. Whenever you are writing a research summary I believe that you should do all the research you can to be able to write a very well essay.

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