Romeo And Juliet: Impulsive Behavior Analysis Essay

📌Category: Plays, Romeo and Juliet
📌Words: 679
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 11 February 2022

In the tragic play “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare that was written in the 16th century Elizabethan era, Two young lovers from two rival families come together and embrace each other. However their quick actions lead to their demise of dying in each other's arms. Haste is portrayed as the reason for two lovers' demise because they didn’t think of the dangerous consequences of acting impulsively. In the first paragraph one case of impulsive is how fast Rosaline is forgotten by Romeo for Juliet despite them being enemies, moving forward, the second example of haste is when Romeo ignores the friars warnings of doing things too fast, and finally the last case of impulsiveness is when romeo ignores warnings from balthasar about misadventure.

Shakespeare demonstrates that Romeo is a reckless and impulsive youth whose actions lead to tragedy. One example of impulsiveness by the lovers is by Romeo, when quickly he sneaks dangerously into the capulets masked ball without thinking of the disastrous consequences of doing so and which is already a careless action to begin with. He falls in love on sight with Juliet who is a part of his sworn enemy’s family but he doesn't care at all. He instantly spouts his love for her crying, “Did my heart love till now?...I ne’er saw true beauty till this night.”  This concludes that Romeo's love for Rosaline is over and she quickly and thoughtlessly forgotten, replaced with the dangerous relationship that is the lovers of Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare uses the device of foreshadowing and romeo says “I fear too early, yet hanging in the stars, shall bitterly begin his fearful date.''  Romeo is aware of the likely dangers of going to the party yet still goes on with it anyway. This is an example of impulsiveness and thoughtless behavior in the play. Thus, Romeo is portrayed as a character who through impulsive actions and reckless behaviour actively contributes to his own demise.

Shakespeare again exhibits that Romeo is ignorant and suffers from haste and impulsive behavior in play. When Romeo goes to Friar Lawrence to marry Juliet, Romeo rushes the Friar to marry the couple at once. Although they had only been together for 3 days. Friar warns Romeo that “Wisely and slow, they stumble and run fast.”  Romeo, deeply in love with Juliet doesn't listen to his warning and advice, he is simply ignorant to understand that rushing leads to failure in most circumstances, Shakespeare uses a metaphor in this context as friar laurence says, “violent delights have violent ends'' which symbolises the violet situation romeo is in, and if he keeps up with it he will have a violent end, however romeo ignores friar laurence's warning and goes on with marrying juliet regardless of the dangerous situation he is in. which is another example of haste behavior in the play which will lead to their downfall.

Shakespeare for the final time displays Romeo's youth and ignorance to the  impulsive behavior in the play to the audience. I when balthasar approaches 

and informs Romeo of the ‘death’ of Juliet, Romeo is devastated and quickly rushes to travel to the capulet tomb. Balthsar notices Romeo's rush and tells him “Sir, have patience: / Your looks are pale and wild, and do import / Some misadventure.” Balthasar warns Romeo, however Romeo remains ignorant and doesn't listen to Balthasar's advice of just waiting for a resolution and thinking straight. Romeo however, stubbornly remains thoughtless of what he is about to do and what dangers he is entering. Shakespeare yet again uses the device of foreshadowing just before Romeo's encounter with Balthasar, Romeo saying “I dreamt my lady came and found me dead” is a good indication of what is to happen if he keeps up with the hasteful behaviour. This is altogether another example of impulsive behavior which occurs throughout the play. 

Linking sentence.

Shakespeare clearly presents that haste is the reason to why Romeo and Juliet's demise came to be, about the recurring theme of being haste throughout the play. From the start Romeo entering the capulet's ball was a dangerous and thoughtless decision. He was rushing to be married to Juliet who had only been with for 3 days and disregarded advice given to him by Friar and his friends. All these actions combined lead to the demise of Romeo and Juliet through being dangerous and thoughtless, because they were simply impulsive.

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