Sheila Birling Character Analysis in An Inspector Calls

📌Category: An Inspector Calls, Plays
📌Words: 407
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 22 January 2022

Mrs Birling is presented as an unlikeable person, this is because how she treats people in the player is cold and harsh. When describing the lower class using stereotypical views, and how she treats her own family.

Firstly, Priestley presents Mrs Birling as an unlikeable character through how she views Eva Smith. When talking about Eva, Mrs Birling says, “girls of that class”. This shows how Mrs Birling does not care about the Eva and does not even use her name and instead use “girls”. This could suggest that “girls” represents the lower class. This implies how Mrs Birling dislikes the lower class, like most upper-class people did. Mrs Birling also says Eva “would never reject money. This mean that Mrs Birling think that if the lower class is presented with free money that they would just take it. This suggest how Mrs Birling views are stereotypical from the upper-class point of view, of the lower class. The adjective “never” implies how the lower class are despite for money and would do anything for it, this could suggest about some of the lower class who would become “women of the town”. In 1912, the upper class and lower class were very divided, as their lives were very different, and the upper class behaved in a different way. The upper class looked down at the poor and say how its their fault their poor. Although in 1946(which would have been the audience), there was no hierarchy system then. Making the upper class and lower-class people seen as the same. This would mean that the audience would dislike Mrs Birling as she treats the lower-class people different.

Secondly, Priestley presents Mrs Birling as an unlikable character through her view of gender roles. Mrs Birling is leaving the men to let them have their private talk and also bring Sheila with her, to do this she says, “if you would excuse us”. This shows Mrs Birling is says that she and Sheila should leave in order for the men to talk in private about business, which women weren’t seen as involved. This suggest that Mrs Birling wants Sheila to follow in her views. In 1912, gender roles were followed strictly, this gave men their time to talk about business as women were seen as irrelevant to business. In 1946(which would have been the audience), which was right after the war, when women started doing men’s job. They were seen as more equal to men, so the audience would be against Mrs Birling as she follows gender roles. Therefor many people would not want to support or follow in Mrs Birling, making her unliked.

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