The Battle of Passchendaele History Essay Example

📌Category: History, War, World War I
📌Words: 401
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 02 April 2022

The Battle of Passchendaele was one of the bloodiest and muddiest battles of World War I. It was also known as the Third Battle of Ypres and lasted from July 31 to November 10, 1917. The battle took place on the Western Front's Ypres salient in Belgium, where the German had deadlocked it for three years. Throughout the summer of 1917, heavy rains and constant shelling turned no man's land into a muddy swamp pocked with deep water-filled craters. A creeping barrage was planned to provide cover and protection for the soldiers, but they were slowed by the mud and heavy rain. The battle continued till November when Canadians finally captured the ridge. Despite this victory, the Third battle of Ypres resulted in little significant gain because all the ground obtained in the battle was evacuated by the British due to a threatening German assault. 

Personally, I think that the battle of Passchendaele is the most significant battle of World War I. This is because of the great impact it had on the Canadian nation’s reputation. The victory at this battle was truly impressive and added to our reputation as having the best offensive fighting force on the western front. It showed how strategic the Canadians were as they could get victory and cover the ridge in months, while other countries failed many times to dislodge the Germans from the ridge. It helped Canada to gain new respect over the international scale and aided to earn a separate signature as Canadians.  

Another reason that influenced my decision was the bitter reality that this battle revealed about World War I. It was one of the most significant battles that epitomized the wasteful and futile nature of the war. Over 15,600 Canadians sacrificed their lives fighting in this battle for nothing in return. It became a symbol of the senseless and wasteful slaughter of World War I. 

This battle is also very significant because of the overwhelming number of losses that accompanied it. According to the website Encyclopedia, 15,654 Canadian soldiers lost their lives during the battle and over 275,000 people died in the Third battle of Ypres. Based on the short time of this battle, the huge number of losses reveals how bloody and dangerous it was. It lasted just three months and caused a tremendous number of losses. 

In conclusion, I think the battle of Passchendaele deserves to be called the most important battle of World War I due to the heavy losses it led to, the respect that Canadians gained, as well as the important lesson it taught us about the reality of war.

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