The Effect of the Internet on Young People Essay Sample

📌Category: Internet
📌Words: 516
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 23 August 2022


The releasing of the internet to the public has had the impact of allowing information to become pervasive to an extreme enough degree that it can either destroy or elevate an individual beyond expectation. Whether an individual is to become accomplished or crushed depends upon their internal reflections and external outlook, these are interconnected with each other as will become clearer throughout this paper. What determines a person's internal and external viewpoint is how they navigate in our society, a society that is dependent on the internet. As our generation has unimpeded access to the internet, a vital component of our society as already stated, it forms an identity that is increasingly influenced by what is consumed and by navigating our society that is becoming less separate from internet culture every day. This paper will be mostly focusing on the detrimental aspects of what I have described although focus shall also be given to the positive possibilities for our generation. 

Internet culture’s grasp on young minds for better or worse

Internet culture is referred to as “a culture based on the many manifestations of computer networks and their use for communication, entertainment, business and recreation” (Wikipedia). For the purpose of this section’s clarity of explanation I will give both a general overview of internet culture’s effects, beneficial and harmful, and the consequences of a specific viral manifestation of a network, that of TikTok which has had a noticeable effect on our current generation. Firstly we begin with the boons, aside from the conspicuous ability to contact people from anywhere across the globe there is the fact that information has never been more accessible. This infinite library allows for our generation’s members to cultivate their minds and become the leaders of the future with unprecedented ease in comparison to the past. Not only is information available but so is emotional support, online-anonymous help groups have been proven to improve the state of mind of students in York university who preferred it over in person meetings “due to the social stigmatization of mental health disorders”. In spite of all these rejuvenating prospects, they are of course only taken advantage of when one makes a voluntary effort to enrich their mind. It cannot be understated that it is just as easy if not easier to indulge in online activities that rot the brain and thus one’s entire self, as is no doubt the case of many unfortunate souls in our generation’s youth. One finding by Dr. Firth of ScienceDaily revealed that “...the limitless stream of prompts and notifications from the Internet encourages us towards constantly holding a divided attention -- which then in turn may decrease our capacity for maintaining concentration on a single task”. Combined with an addiction, as social media apps are designed to be addictive, an individual can become effectively hooked on wasteful information as attention spans decrease and the abundance of said type of content increases. Continuing on the point of shortened attention spans, remembering what one does pay attention to, such as school, will become more difficult. “Additionally, some evidence shows that too much Internet use can stunt memory and attention development in children. The ease of access to information which the Internet provides discourages information retention” (Wikipedia). This concludes the general overview of this section, from here begins the case study of the effects of TikTok. (Work on tiktok section).

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