The House On Mango Street Analysis Essay Sample

📌Category: Books, The House on Mango Street
📌Words: 591
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 17 June 2022

How would you feel if somebody took advantage of you just because they or you were the leader? The story mainly talks about how a young girl wants to get her family out of her bad racist neighborhood. But at the moment she can not, and when she is able to, her family dies. It's truly an upsetting story thinking about losing your loved ones but it could really happen. The novel ¨House on Mango street¨ by Sandra Cisneros Not only proves but shows to all different readers that just because you have power doesn't mean you should take advantage of it.

No matter how respected you think you are, it all falls back onto you sadly. This is believed because On page 12 Of House on mango Street They stated  ¨She used to own a building as big as a whale but her brother sold it.” This is a simile.  It is crazy because sometimes even leaders could get taken advantage of.  On page 18,¨Rachel and Lucy look at me like I'm crazy.” Leaders like normal people have their weird moments but somehow get treated with respect. Honestly this seems to all fall back onto Ezpeez, poor girl really.

Even leaders get caught up in their emotions moreover do not know how to feel all the time. On page 29, ¨They are bad those Vargesses, and how can they help it with only one mother who is tired all the time from buttoning and bottling and babying, and who cries every day for the man who left without even leaving a dollar for bologna or note explaining how come.”One thing we all can really  notice is how even women as leaders of their family get tired of it too moreover they fall into sadness. To many like me honestly it is devastating. I feel as if it would be really sad to live as. The book “ The House On Mango Street” gave us multiple reasons to believe why leaders can also get taken advantage of and also be treated like absolutely nothing, worthless even..  Like On page 45, ¨In the canteen which was nothing special lots of boys and girls watch while I cried and ate my sandwich.¨ Which not only proves  that even leaders get sad and sometimes they do not know what to do either.

Another thing we can also all agree on is that leaders could also get made fun of its sad reality, that not everybody is going to accept you the way you are and really care for you that way.  Such as how on page 70,¨Arrow works nights his blinds are always closed during the day sometimes he comes out and tells us to keep quiet.¨ Anyone can notice that even hard working people like Arrow also get devastated and get really annoyed and reasonably mad because in the end they are hard workers and need rest too. Nevertheless on page 77,¨Somebody said because she's too fat somebody because of the three flights of stairs but I believe she doesn't come out because she's afraid to speak English.” A literary device one can notice was when they made the metaphor that she did not come down because of the 3 flights of stairs. Sometimes even people like leaders can  get made fun of.

Just because you have power doesn't mean you or people should take advantage of it nor humiliate you for it. Reasonably one can think that eventually people will start to realize that being a leader is not all that when you can not be incharge of such an important job. I also think that not everybody is really mature enough to be incharge of such a huge role that could strongly impact everybody else's life, and even your life.

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