The Shawshank Redemption Movie Analysis (Free Essay Sample)

📌Category: Entertainment, Movies
📌Words: 341
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 26 September 2022

If you are into the classics of Stephen King I know you will love this movie filled to the brim with people pushed to the limits and a blow of reality. Shawshank is a movie where you find yourself not believing your own eyes. Which makes this movie something special because not all movies can't make you get this blow of reality, this realization of what was going on in a prison in 1947. A normal guy with nothing to do with his wife and a golf pro murderer has nothing to defend himself with only his mindset and bare hands.

In The Shawshank Redemption, Andy Dufresne who was a banker was sent to live at a prison called Shawshank when he was sentenced for the murder of his wife and her lover a golf pro. When he goes there, he becomes friends with some of the inmates who didn't like him that much at first. One of them, in particular, betted that Andy Dufresne wouldn't last in the prison for long, and the guy who betted on him name is Red. He gained many of the inmates' respect over time. Andy learns how to live life among the inmates with the determination of a steady bull and his mindset is to leave the prison on his terms even if it would have killed him.

After seeing this movie many had the thought why is it called The Shawshank Redemption? The first part of the movie name makes sense “The Shawshank” which is the prison where Andy Dufresne found himself and even found a friend for life Red. But the second part of the name means “The process of getting better, or in this context coming over and being saved from something evil.” which is the perfect title of what we see in the movie. A man who never gives up, a man who looks to the future where life is perfect for him. As Andy Dufresne said “Get busy living, or get busy dying” In that small sentence he described the full adventure of this movie and that is why a movie like Shawshank is on my leaderboard of the greatest movies of all time.

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