Theme Of Love In Macbeth (Essay Sample)

📌Category: Macbeth, Plays
📌Words: 511
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 07 August 2022

In literature, different types of love have been depicted. Shakespeare seems to adore incorporating love into his books, and Macbeth is no exception. Throughout Macbeth, 'love' refers to more than just an interpersonal bond. It involves platonic and power relationships, as well as manipulating others with the concept of 'love.' Love was viewed as a burden by some characters, but as an opportunity to fulfill their dreams by others. Finding a relevant sentence in Macbeth where love is meant to be sweet is tough because the story's objective is meant to be sad, where the protagonist loses everything as a result of his selfishness. Shakespeare's suggestion that love has various negative characteristics, despite the fact that it is supposed to be a wonderful emotion, permits the reader to accept reality. The majority of the story depicts a broken, unpleasant, and painful form of love, and when it does not, it is brief. This means that many people do not hold on to the best aspect of love; instead, they continue to return to the kind of love that hurts, sometimes unintentionally. The book teaches a lesson that many authors prefer to avoid: love has always been tragic.

Macbeth's love is manifested in his desire for power. Knowing he will become the future king and Thane of Cawdor, he makes sure no one stands in his way. Love is expressed in this play, through Macbeth and his desire for power. Macbeth will not allow anyone or anything to stand in the way of his quest for power or fixation with the concept of fate. A way love is conveyed in the play is Macbeth's love with the concept of his triumph. Macbeth takes huge risks in order to gain power; including murder and sacrifice. Macbeth pretends to others that he is capable of having a genuine relationship with those under him, despite his true yearning for power. Macbeth's love for power is mirrored in his portrayal of his love for people and why he requires them. As the term is supposed to be good, Macbeth recognizes that love may be easily used to manipulate others. He comes up with an excuse that he had to kill the servants because he loves Duncan so much, and why he could not kill Banquo personally. He demonstrates desperation for his goals by murdering them and then claiming that he loves them. 

Lady Macbeth and Macbeth have a strong bond, yet this relationship violates standard notions of love. Lady Macbeth's and Macbeth's attitudes toward each other are continuously shifting, making it difficult to form a firm impression of their relationship. However, overall Macbeth’s relationship with Lady Macbeth revolves around a couple’s devoted love for power rather than each other. Not only does Macbeth use love to manipulate, but so does Lady Macbeth. Lady Macbeth persuades her husband to murder Duncan through a variety of methods, one of which is to make it appear as if he does not love her if he fails to kill Duncan. Persuasion is a potent and threatening weapon against those who are viewed as weak. It has the ability to shield one's decisions from both good and evil influences, therefore obscuring one's judgment and impairing one's conscience. As a result, the idea of love can be used to influence the actions of loved ones.

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