Thomas Jefferson and Limited Government Essay Example

📌Category: Government, President of the United States
📌Words: 491
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 19 April 2022

In the words of Thomas Jefferson, an effective government should 'restrain men from injuring one another, [but the government] shall leave [the people] otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned.' Jefferson's argument stated that a government should be less intruding, with more power being given to the States. Limited government is more preferred because it is more desirable than a controlling government. This idea is stated in the Constitution and it is proven to have positive effects on the economy.

The main reason a limited government is the true purpose of the government is because it is stated in the very document that sets the boundaries and laws for the United States; the Constitution. Specifically, in the Tenth Amendment, the Constitution states that rights that do not belong to the government by the Constitution, also known as implied powers, belong to the states or to the people (2). However, the Necessary and Proper Clause goes against this by stating that those implied powers belong to Congress (3). In the final analysis, the idea of a limited government has been expressed in the Constitution and should be upheld just like any other amendment.

I believe that in a democratic government, the needs and wants of the people must always be put first. The most popular option when it comes to running the government is a government with reduced power. In a Gallup poll conducted on September 1-17, 2021, 52% of Americans said that the government was doing too much that should be left alone for individual people (1). The other 48% is split on the reasons for a bigger government. 19% want higher taxes and more services, while 29% want taxes and services to remain the same (1). All in all, more people would prefer a limited government, where matters that should be handled by citizens are handled by citizens.

A strong economy is beneficial to all kinds of government. Thankfully, limited governments can provide strong economies. A modern day example of this is Hong Kong, one of the four Asian Tigers. In 2016, it was revealed in the 2016 Fraser Index that Hong Kong had one of the world’s largest stock exchanges, and it’s national income, $56,700, was about five times more money than mainland China (4). A more controlled government would significantly reduce income inequality from happening (4). In conclusion, a limited government would be better at building a sturdy economy.

To enforce laws but allow a free society is the true purpose of the government. Not only is the idea stated in the Constitution, but it is also popular among the people, and it leads to a stronger economy. The Tenth Amendment states that implied powers belong to the States and to the people, and most of the American population doesn’t want the government to interfere with matters that should be an individual’s business alone. Moreover, as seen by Hong Kong, a limited government would do wonders for the economic prospects of a country. With all these reasons in mind, is it really any wonder why Thomas Jefferson would prefer a limited government?

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