Army Sharp Essay Sample

đź“ŚCategory: Government, Military, Social Issues, Violence
đź“ŚWords: 451
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 22 January 2022

Why do cases of sexual harassment and sexual assault continue to take place in the Army, despite all the training and education that takes place? How should Sergeants apply resolutions to prevent Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault? This essay will explain how the Army is constantly facing circumstances involving sexual harassment and sexual assault. This essay will also discuss what peers and subordinates can do to stop sexual harassment and sexual assault, as well as inform soldiers of the SHARP program.

Sexual harassment and assault transpire for a multitude of reasons; Of which include entitlement as well as alcohol abuse. Entitlement is where the assaulter feels the absolute necessity to engage in sexual activity. Another example of entitlement would include the common, yet overlooked norm of "Women should be subservient to the patriarchy." Entitlement could also stem from alcohol abuse. Soldiers constantly use alcohol to cope with stress and other factors. This can impair soldiers' ability to think and to make the wrong decisions such as enacting sexual urges and hostile behavior. Regardless of the training and guidance, leaders should consistently communicate with their soldiers about how to drink like a responsible adult.

The absence of training cannot be the sole cause of sexual harassment and sexual assault. Rigorous annual and quarterly training take place too frequently for soldiers to forget about SHARP. The SHARP program is dedicated to stopping sexual assault, sexual harassment, and also prevent future offenses by educating soldiers of its importance. The US Army Aberdeen Proving Ground website mentions that the SHARP program is to "increase prevention, increase training, and reduce the stigma of reporting. "According to the Department of Defense Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPRO), SHARP cases from FY20 only decreased by nine reports from the former year. There was a total of 7,816 SHARP cases. Regardless of all the prevention measures and training, SHARP cases are relatively high.

Sergeants have an important role in the prevention of sexual assault and sexual harassment cases. A leader must maintain a safe and comfortable work environment for all soldiers. If leaders can identify the key causes of SHARP-related incidents, more prevention measures can be enacted to stop these incidents. Sexual assault and sexual harassment have been a problem that the Army has faced for over a decade, and it will continue to persist until leaders can effectively implement prevention measures and identify key causes of SHARP.

In conclusion, Sergeants and leaders should enact measures to identify the key causes of sexual harassment and sexual assault. If leaders can be effective role models for their subordinates, it will greatly increase overall force and soldier readiness to prevent SHARP. All Leaders should have an action plan to make Sexual harassment and sexual assault training successful. Sergeants and leaders alike must teach more than just meeting the requirement of an hour-long class on SHARP. Expansion of SHARP training can lead to a more effective outcome and prevention of these heinous crimes.

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