Analysis Essay on Shrek the Musical

📌Category: Art, Theatre
📌Words: 587
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 07 August 2022

Our fall musical is Drama Club’s biggest event of the year. We take dozens of kids who have never performed and a few seasoned performers, put them onstage, and put on a show for the whole community to enjoy. We’ve performed parts of our show at staff meetings, pep rallies, and more. So it’s important that we pick something that’s a good time for everyone, because essentially the whole school gets involved. That being said, I think the answer to the question of what show we’re going to do is clear. Shrek is a lively, exciting musical that the whole family can enjoy. Shrek's source material is known, and enjoyed by people all over the world. I think that by choosing Shrek the Musical as our fall musical, we’d have a bigger audition turnout, and a chance to showcase more talent, as well as a fun show for all of us to enjoy.

To start, pretty much everyone knows shrek. It’s a movie that both children and adults enjoy. I’ve talked  to students here at school that are not apart of drama club and many people who haven’t set foot on our stage would be willing to show up to auditions. Another thing that would increase our audition turnout would be to include kids! I first got into musical theatre by being in Joseph here at Hanldey in 3rd grade and I never turned back. There are lots of roles for kids in this show, and by including them they may find a new found love of theatre. It’s a good thing that Shrek will bring all these new people to auditions because in Shrek there are so many opportunities to showcase people!

In Shrek the Musical, there are lots and lots of smaller featured roles. Because of this, it sort of blurs the line between leads and ensemble which would mean we would have a closer cast in general. In some musicals there’s a clear line between leads and ensemble where the leads have everything and the ensemble is just there for the background vocals, however in Shrek most ensemble members have their own moment in the show for them to shine. The are so many small solos in “Story of my Life” and “Freak Flag” that will give someone an opportunity to show the school their talent. Not to mention the 3 Fiona’s and their beautiful song “I Know It’s Today”. There are also plenty of places to showcase dancers. There is a whole rat tap break in “Morning Person” and plenty of people could be used to puppeteer the dragon. I can’t see many people being angry with the cast list after auditions because of the amount of roles available. This show is just so full of joy and excitement and is so much fun to perform in and watch.

I’ve been both in the audience and on the stage for Shrek the musical and it is one of the most enjoyable shows I’ve ever seen or been apart of. The shows nature just brings everyone together, the music is fantastic, and the story is just so sweet and funny. I don’t think a single person who has been a part of this show has left disappointed. It’s genuinely so funny and enjoyable to watch, there is something for everyone to enjoy from kids, all the way up to grandma and grandpa. It’s just that good.

In conclusion, Shrek is the perfect pick for our theater department because of the amount of people it would draw to auditions, the many opportunities it would give to feature people, and it’s appeal to audiences both younger and older. I love this show so much, and I would love to do it again. I hope that you’ll consider it as an option.

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