Career in Human Resources Management Essay Example

📌Category: Business, Career, Human resource management
📌Words: 599
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 21 August 2022


Choosing specific artifacts can be difficult, but to choose the correct ones we need to know our audience and our objective. Once we know our audience and what we want to highlight we can choose our artifacts. Since I am pursuing my degree in human resources management, it’s important that I chose papers that highlight my knowledge of ethics, communication, and how to motivate employees. For this paper I will go over the four artifacts that I chose to include in my portfolio, and why I chose to incorporate them into my portfolio.


When choosing which artifacts to include into an ePortfolio, the student must decide which papers or work highlights their greatest accomplishments or knowledge in different areas within their career of choice. I am finishing my bachelor’s in human resource management, so I wanted to include items in my portfolio that highlight my knowledge on ethics, communication, marketing, and workplace motivation. These are all areas that an HR professional should have some knowledge or experience in. 

Artifact 1: Ethical Decision Making and Hiring

The first artifact I chose was from my Management Ethics class, and the paper is called Ethical Decision Making and Hiring. This paper highlights the importance of ethical decision making and the difference between a code of ethics and code of conduct, both which are important for HR professionals to know. 

This paper also goes into detail about ethical hiring decisions and how organizations can hire ethically while following the code of ethics and code of conduct. This is extremely important because when it comes to hiring, HR professionals need to be unbiased and ensure that they hire the person with the experience and who’s the right fit, not based on race, gender, age, etc.

Showing employers that I am knowledgeable in ethical decision making and unbiased hiring will give them the confidence in my work and that I will work ethically, this would be an important aspect in any job, but especially in HR.  

Artifact 2: The Importance of Global Communication

The second artifact I chose to include in my portfolio is The Importance of Global Communication. This paper goes into detail about what global communication is, and why it’s important. Being in HR, we must be good at communication, and since many companies work internationally it’s important to understand global communication. This paper talks about the importance of verbal and non-verbal communication, how to break past language and cultural barriers, and be a better communicator overall. Having this knowledge and being able to show it will set me above my peers since communication is so important. 

Artifact 3: Marketing Campaign 

The marketing campaign was for my Management Communications class, and I centered it around a travel agency. I focused this paper on travel because I would like to work for a travel agency. This paper highlights my knowledge in marketing and travel. While in HR I may not do marketing perse, I’d likely have to make training or other presentations, so this paper shows creativity, how to captivate an audience, and keep them engaged. 

Artifact 4: Workplace Motivation

Keeping employees motivated is an ongoing struggle that many mangers and HR professionals must deal with. This paper on workplace motivation will show to potential employers that I know how to motivate employees, and why motivation is so important. 

This assignment was a PowerPoint presentation, I chose this because all of my other artifacts are papers, and this showcases the use of PowerPoint and presentations. This paper highlights a proposal to the managers on how we can increase workplace motivation. 


Choosing artifacts specific to your audience is important and may change based on the position that the person is applying for. For a career in human resources management, it’s important to showcase knowledge in areas such as motivation and ethics. While us as new students may not have the specific work experience yet, we can show our knowledge through our assignments.

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