Dr Armstrong Murder in Agatha Christie (Essay Sample)

📌Category: Books
📌Words: 612
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 13 June 2022

Armstrong has been acting very suspicious lately. He gave Mrs. Rogers a sedate the night she overdosed and was identifying everyone’s deaths and the cause. Recently he has also left the house randomly in the middle of the night. The title of the book is and then there were none. The author is Agatha Christie. The genre is scary and mysterious. It’s on soldier island and one person died a day. They are on the island because they all have been accused of murder. Armstrong  is the killer because he gives people medicine, identifies people's death, and left randomly in the middle of the night to go outside.

Armstrong is the person who examines all of the people's cause of death. He examined marstons drink and said poison was put in it. Armstrong thinks Marston put poison in his own drink. Dr. Armstrong thinks blore died of heart failure when everyone else thinks he was murdered. “Two  of the deaths have been poison. That rather points to a doctor. And then you can’t get over the fact that the only thing we are absolutely certain Mrs. Rogers had was the sleeping draught  that he had given her.Armstrong sniffed the lips, shook his head, peered into the eyelids. “Armstrong's attention was riveted on a mark on the right side of the neck. Hypodermic syringe was buzzing.” This quote proves Dr. Armstrong Is the killer because he keeps trying to say people are dying of other illnesses and diseases. But really he’s the doctor and has all of the medicines and syringes and any medical supplies. So, it shows that Armstrong is not trustworthy to give medicine and supplies too. This is one of the reasons  why Armstrong seems so suspicious.

Armstrong is the killer because he left the house in the middle of the night. Armstrong knew that everyone was asleep and ran outside of the house in the middle of the night waking everyone up. “We’re hunting armstrong. He’s out of his room. Whatever you do, don't open your door, understand.” This was said by Lombard to Vera.  Lombard didn’t want Vera opening her door until he got back because he wanted Vera to be safe. The quote on shows that Armstrong went out in the middle of the night on the island by himself.  Showing that Armstrong is doing something very suspicious. Since, no one would be that confident to go outside with a murder on the loose. It shows another reason why armstrong Is the killer on Soldier island.

Another reason why Armstrong is the killer is because Mrs.  Rodgers died from taking a sedative that he gave her. “No I don’t think Mrs. Rodgers ever felt safe. Blore looked slightly annoyed at the interruption. Just like a woman, his glance said.” The context of the quote is showing how Mrs. Rodgers didn’t feel safe already. Then she took the sedative from Armstrong and ended up overdosing. But Armstrong tried to say that she had heart failure. Even though everyone else thinks that Mr. Rodgers  killed her.  Some of the people think she died of her wickedness and God killed her because of it.  This shows that Armstrong has been trying to cover up deaths. By trying to identify people dying for health reasons. But really though they were all healthy and fine. Until Armstrong gave them medicines and tried to help them but ended up killing them. This has shown that Armstrong has been the one responsible for the deaths  and is the killer of soldier island.

At the end of this you can see all of the things Armstrong has done. He has been responsible for murder and all of the weird things happening on the island.  Armstrong has been walking around the island on his own at night and never came back. So, he may be the killer or there may be more.

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