Essay Sample: Coming of Age Theme in to Kill a Mockingbird

📌Category: Books, To Kill a Mockingbird
📌Words: 334
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 11 June 2022

To make mistakes is human, to stubble is commonplace, to be able to laugh at yourself and help up others is maturity. Maturity is not dependent on age, but on how a person makes decisions and treats those around them. Age in itself does not define these characteristics.

Maturity is shown when a person's decisions are based on character, not feeling. For instance, Scout and Jem from To Kill a Mockingbird show that maturity is not dependent on age because they are only kids when they recognize the injustice and mistreatment happening around them. Jem and Scout are aware of the wrongful conviction and racism within their town. This exposure to discrimination at a young age causes them to be mature even in their youth. Despite their age, they can see past the racism and come to a fair conclusion better than most of the adults around them. This shows that maturity does not have an age restriction, Jem and Scout are capable of making decisions with character and reason.

While some people may believe that maturity only corresponds to age, others argue that maturity is about taking responsibility and being able to adapt to your surroundings.  For example, Joan of Arc further demonstrates that maturity is not dependent on age when she leads the French army to the siege of New Orleans during the hundred years of war. She accomplished these heroic actions at the young age of 17 years old. Joan of Arc shows that even those as young as teenagers are capable of leadership and making mature decisions. She stepped up and adapted to her circumstances, her response and success in the face of adversity demonstrate her maturity. More important than age is the ability to make sound decisions and have a positive impact on your surroundings. These attributes are what define maturity.

Being able to rise while lifting others, and pushing through adversity are all integral characteristics of maturity that are independent of age. How a person treats those around them and makes decisions is what reflects one's maturity. Maturity is not measured by age. It is an attitude and it's built through experience and shown through character.

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