Essay Sample on Double Standard

📌Category: Social Issues
📌Words: 1435
📌Pages: 6
📌Published: 20 October 2022

A double standard is a rule or principle which is unfairly applied in different ways to different people or groups. In society double standards are everywhere. Sexism is the most widespread form of a double standard; how women are expected to act, what to do, work life, motherhood, and more. Racism has become more in the public eye the past couple of decades; Black Lives Matter movement has permanently changed society. Ageism is not discussed often in society, but biases continue to occur. Double standards need to change for society to grow and humans to advance. Imagine there were no judgements that hold back discovering new things or possibilities, how much better would society be.

Society has always put women under men since the 1800’s of classes and royalty. Only having the purpose to wed, bare children, and obey their husband. Current times now, the double standard is not as intense, but quite harsh. Not getting enough money for doing the same job, getting judged regardless of what is worn conservative or revealing, men being praised for parenting, being expected to be a good mother and a good career, and how to act.

“I now speak of women who are restrained by principle or prejudice; such women, though they would shrink from an intrigue with real abhorrence, yet, nevertheless, wish to be convinced by the homage of gallantry that they are cruelly neglected by their husbands or, days and weeks are spent in dreaming of the happiness enjoyed by congenial souls till their health is undermined and their spirits broken by discontent.”(11) Mary Wollstonecraft wrote in 1792. Yes, women were raised to be submissive and only take orders from men back then; but in the 21st century, the double standards come from older higher powers that influence society. Controlling what women can and cannot do with their bodies, example, abortion, clothes, lifestyle, etc. The oppression women have faced over time is long overdue to be over.

Appearance double standard has been implemented into our everyday life. With school, girls cannot show their shoulders, every day, automatic biases based on what some women wear, and in the workplace, wearing fitted clothing that is appropriate but seen as distracting. “I think that women are always going to be criticized for existing in their bodies,” Lizzo told the interviewer, “And I do not think I am any different than any of the other great women who’ve come before me that had to literally be politicized just to be sexual…you know what I mean? [Just to] exist.” Lizzo exclaims during an interview with Jessica Bennet. Society has groomed younger generations of women to hold back on expressing themselves by fear of judgement. Men have struggled with appearance standards as well, with height, or size of things. Men expect women to be perfect with how their makeup, hair, body, clothes, and accessories look. Even the most theoretical perfect looking woman, would receive judgement of the smallest flaw from society. 

“So, what does that tell you about the oppressor? What does that tell you about men? Get it together, we don’t talk about your d—k sizes, do we? Like, ‘that’s not a conventional d—k size, it’s too small.’ We still let ya’ll asses run all over the g-----n place.” Men today assume women do everything for attention. Makeup, attention, cute outfit, attention, haircut, attention. Why are they paying so much attention? The fear women just being out in public, with the risk of getting attacked by saying no, holds them back from giving their opinions. So scary throughout society that women must fear for their lives just because they reject a man.

-Counter Sexism-

Although in “A Father’s Legacy for His Daughters” John Gregory makes a fair point to educate his daughters to be suitable for their futures. “A father’s zeal for his daughters’ improvement, in whatever can make a woman amiable, with a father’s quick apprehension of the dangers that too often arise, even from the attainment of that very point, suggest his admonitions, and render him attentive to a thousand little graces and little decorum’s, which would escape the nicest moralist who should undertake the subject on uninterested speculation.” (preface) Explaining how fathers should raise their young ladies to be suitable for men. The girls should not possess any street or book smarts. “While I explain to you that system of conduct which I think will tend most to your honor and happiness, I shall, at the same time, endeavor to point out those virtues and accomplishments, which render you most respectable and most amiable in eyes of my own sex.” Behaving with perfect etiquette to be desired enough to get a rich man to provide for the women and the family. Nothing coming to be from love, just the ways women needed to survive. Thankfully in the 21st century that does not happen as often today.

Physically younger and older generations have different capabilities, although different foreign cultures prove the societal norm wrong. In Asia, most older generations have stayed active, lengthening life expectancy in their country. In America’s society, at a certain age older people are forced into retirement homes, and for children they are expected to be responsible but not trusted or given any freedom. When grandparents stay active with their families, they feel more fulfilled and want to continue to be present. Teenagers still going through puberty need more sleep because they are still growing physically, emotionally, and mentally. The double standard lies where the old aren’t trusted, let alone expected to do much and the young, need to live to the fullest in their prime.

Younger generations expected to be energetic, older generations pushed aside due to assumptions they are not capable of certain activities in life. “Older people also are underrepresented in the media and they are portrayed in highly selective ways, focusing on extreme cases of either frail and dependent older people or highly efficient, wise, and successful “golden agers” (Loos & Ivan, 2018), which implicitly carries the message that older people often are but should not become a burden to society. In financial contexts, older people have a higher risk of becoming victims of fraud and financial abuse, or of being denied access to loans, business start-up funding, or insurance options due to their age (Acierno, 2010).” (Rothermund, Klusmann, and Zacher) Once retirement comes around, older people are treated like babies. Perceived as incapable of everyday tasks, they can be mistreated in the homes, or they might take advantage of the system itself. The double standard lies with assumptions elderly are helpless and kids cannot have responsibility. 

Assuming one will commit certain actions based on their race comes from the double standards that have been passed down generations. “Researchers have argued that everyday discrimination can happen so repeatedly that such events eventually come to have a cumulative effect. Being repeatedly followed by a security guard at a store, repeatedly seated in an undesirable part of a restaurant, repeatedly confronted with racial slights at work, and other forms of discrimination that may seem trivial when considered individually constitute what psychiatrists have called ‘micro-aggressions’ (Pierce 1970, 263; Sue et al. 2007; see also Feagin and Sikes 1994; Lacy 2007).” (Small) White privilege is a common misconception because the naiveness when certain people are told they have white privilege, most automatically respond with comments along the lines of “I’m not entitled” “I’m from a lower class” or “I’m poor how am I privileged?” Racial double standards have come more to light over the past decade, even more since the Black Lives Matter movement started in 2020.

“This understanding of discrimination has produced a rich and diverse research body of work with both similarities to and differences from traditional research on the topic in economics.” (Small) Certain economic racial inequality has occurred with COVID-19. Spreading faster throughout minorities with higher chances of death for them as well. Although the speculation from the minorities to get the vaccine holds back with lack of access and skepticism.  

The past generation, where these assumptions and biases root from come from their surroundings of community and beliefs. “However, much of the sociological work on discrimination is more distinctive to the discipline. Part of the reason is the discipline’s methodological heterogeneity. Sociology includes researchers who analyze large-n observational data (as demographers do).” (Small) Children commonly either follow their parent’s beliefs and opinions or challenge them and believe in the opposite. More independent children have the discipline to decide for themselves and not automatically jump to conclusions or biases. Unfortunately, when being raised the double standard is already in school settings and everyday life. Therefore, it is more difficult to recognize the double standard because it is normalized.

Everyone deserves to be treated equally with respect. Double standards that have been systematically implemented into society cloud judgement. There are more double standards present in society other than sexism, ageism, and racism. Offenses of violence, independence, or hierarchy double standards are a few other double standards. All topics discussed, the double standard bias comes from past generations, but is enforced throughout society saying it’s ok with sayings like “Boys will be boys.” Or “If he’s mean to you, he likes you.” Look around and analyze where the double standards lie and change the societal norm. To grow as humans, the double standards need to be addressed and taken away so society can function more efficiently.

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