Forbidden Love In Romeo And Juliet Essay Sample

📌Category: Plays, Romeo and Juliet
📌Words: 487
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 15 June 2022

Do you like tragedy stories? If yes, William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet story is for you! This is a story about a couple whose families are rivals. However, because of it, they just kept their relationship a secret. But, because Juliet's father was unaware of her relationship with Romeo, her father arranged her to a marriage with Paris, her suitor. Will Romeo and Juliet still see each other again now that her father has arranged her to marry Paris?

Romeo and Juliet is a love story about two people named Romeo and Juliet. Romeo fell in love with Juliet the moment he saw her at the Capulet's feast, and Juliet felt the same way when she saw Romeo. Their families, however, Capulet and Montague, have a long-standing feud. They discovered the next day after the feast that they were sworn enemies due to their feuding families. However, they remained in love with one another. Soon, they got married. With the help of Juliet's nurse and Romeo's friend, Friar Lawrence. While, Tybalt, Juliet's cousin, is furious because Romeo attended their feast when he shouldn't have. Romeo beg the Capulet to stop the duel because Romeo doesn’t want to fight. But they didn’t listen. As a result, Mercutio, Romeo’s close friend decided to fight for him. Unfortunately, Tybalt stabbed Mercutio and killed him. Because Romeo was furious, he also killed Tybalt. Later, as Juliet is waiting in her room for her new husband for their wedding night, she learns through her nurse that Romeo murdered Tybalt. At first, she is upset but she settles down and wait for him. Meanwhile, Romeo sneaks into Juliet's room that night to consummate their marriage and love. Then, the morning came and the two lovers said their goodbyes, not knowing if they'd see each other again because Romeo was leaving for Mantua. After saying goodbyes, Juliet also left and came back to her home and learned that the wedding has been brought forward one day, and she will marry Paris tomorrow. Will Romeo and Juliet ever meet again? Are they going to have a happy ending?

It appeals to me as someone who enjoys the tragedy genre in novels, I really like it. The book's deep words will greatly improve your vocabulary and reading comprehension. Like, "Good night, good night! parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say good night till it be morrow." This is a line said by Juliet. It’s not as simple as it sounds like. It has a deep meaning. It is a goodbye for Romeo. "Sweet sorrow" a combination of joy and pain. Joy because it gives her hope that they will see each other again and pain because she doesn't know when it will be. Another example is the “Thus with a kiss I die” said by Romeo. This says that just one last kiss from Juliet who is in her tomb and he will drink the poison and die besides her.

I recommend reading this book since it has an interesting plot. The concept, forbidden love of young couples was a nice theme. It is also combination of hatreds, romance, drama, revenge, and death.

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