Free Essay Sample: Aspects of Christianity

📌Category: Christianity, Religion
📌Words: 604
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 24 September 2022

Every aspect of Christianity is important but the essential beliefs of Christianity are acceptance, the word of God through the Bible, and the holy spirit. To really be Christian an individual needs to be able to accept all people no matter what their past says, learn to understand the Bible, its teachings, and finally accept the holy spirit in all its entity.

Before becoming Christian people tend to judge others from what they see from the outside without knowing anything about the other person’s life only their actions, when a person starts to convert to Christianity they start to realize and accept people for who they are. This is seen in the reading, “Gone Fishing: A Trip That Saved My Life” by Brian L. Wise, even though his wife was already Christian she never judged him and waited for the time when he himself would realize the suffering he is putting onto himself, the text shows this by saying, “through it all, Diana remained mostly silent. I spent less time at home and more time drinking. Although we stayed married, for the next six years we lived different lives.” (Wise, Gone Fishing: A Trip That Saved My Life, pg.3)This tells us that even though her husband was out doing activities she did not agree with she never returned his provocation with anger, she accepted it and waited for him, acceptance also lead Brian to accept the lord and change his life this is mentioned in the text when he says, “one day as, I was driving, I cried to God, ‘if you’ll help me, I'll quit.’ From that moment I neither cigarettes nor smoked again. Furthermore, God marvelously restored my marriage.” (Wise, Gone Fishing: A Trip That Saved My Life, pg.3) This demonstrates that to be a Christian acceptance is needed and that acceptance brings prosperity to one’s life. 

The Bible is an essential item in the Christian belief, learning, and understanding it,  means that there is a connection between yourself and God. This is an important means of communication that helps Christians with their faith. The text says, “and I already had St.Augustine and the imitation and the Bible from which I derived strength and comfort.” The text also tells us, “Three times a week Sister Aloysia came to give me a catechism lesson which I dutifully tried to learn.” This explains the power of the Bible, it gives strength to individuals which is why all Christians must read and learn the Bible to be true believers of the faith. Moreover, the Holy Spirit is an entity that restores a human’s characteristics which renders them from being sinful to having godly characteristics. Having the Holy Spirit is essential to truly be a believer because without it sinning will always occur in a person, this is seen through the change that occurred in Brian L. Wise, who mentions, “That night I slept little. As I tossed and turned, unable to resist the holy spirit, I experienced trust in God taking hold in my heart.” (Wise, Gone Fishing: A Trip That Saved My Life, pg.3) In a way, the Holy Spirit can be seen as the most important essential of the Christian belief because it chases away all the bad spirits in a human and make them new again by taking all their pains away. 

All in all, acceptance; the Bible and the Holy Spirit are important because Jesus accepted all our sins, and took them to become his so every Christian must accept their neighbors without judgment. Additionally, the Bible is essential because it connects and tells the word of the lord to all his followers this also allows Christians to know if they are following the right path. Finally, the Holy Spirit  is crucial to the Christian faith as it washes all sins committed and all the sinful characteristics an individual may have which is an ideal in the Christian religion.

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