Free Essay Sample: Is College Really Worth It?

đź“ŚCategory: Education, Higher Education
đź“ŚWords: 628
đź“ŚPages: 3
đź“ŚPublished: 27 September 2022

Should I go to college? Is it worth it? Those are the questions that many high school students have when trying to decide whether or not to go to college. Attending college is extremely important, due to the benefits of having a higher education. A college education sets a better foundation both financially, and socially as well as providing young adults with extended knowledge, and the ability to develop connections, and commence life-long careers. Many people now argue that a college education may not be worth it; however, a college education provides higher employment rates, larger salaries, and more work benefits than a high school graduate.

Even though most people believe that you can still have a good job without a college degree, it is proven that having a college education gives you an advantage in many jobs, both financially and logically. In the article “Why College Isn't (And Shouldn't Have to Be) for Everyone” Robert Reiche states, “A four-year college degree isn't necessary for many of tomorrow's good jobs” (Springboard 85). Nowadays, many jobs are opening up that do not require any college degrees. It is causing many more people to reconsider going to college, as they can bring in good money from jobs that don't require a degree. Now, while this may be true, acquiring a college education leads to a lower unemployment rate. For example, the unemployment rate drops with every additional level of education attained. In “Education Still Pays” the Borough of Labor and Statistics states, “Workers with less education than a high school diploma had the highest unemployment rate (11%), while those with a doctoral degree had the lowest rate (2.2%)” (Springboard 66). The higher the degree a person attains, the higher the employment rate tends to be. Even a small amount of education proves to earn the average worker a higher employment rate in comparison to a high school diploma. In years past, workers with the highest college education and degree gained the lowest unemployment rate. All in all, having a college degree gives you many great advantages.

Although some may argue that college may not be valuable and worth it financially, it is evident that a college degree gives you a better yearly salary by thousands. For instance, people imply that college debt outweighs the advantages you get from a college degree. In the March 22, 2015 edition of the “Huffington Post” Robert Reich indicates that “Even if they get the degree, they are stuck with a huge bill– and may be paying down their student debt for years” (Springboard 84). College is now very expensive, costing tens of thousands of dollars per year. Paying that amount of money is making people question how beneficial college is, as they could potentially be in debt for years to come. What this argument fails to consider is that getting a college degree leads you to a larger salary, helping you to pay off any debts quickly. In “Actually, College is Very Much Worth It” Andrew J. Rotherman states, “Weekly earnings for a college graduate are $1038 while they are $712 for one with college, but no degree. That comes to about 17,000 dollars extra, per year for those with a degree” (Springboard #87). Taking that extra step and getting that education leads you to a better income. The income will lead you to be able to pay off those debts quickly, as well as live a comfortable lifestyle later on in life. It is proven that a college degree gives you a better yearly salary by thousands, so it is a smart idea to consider taking that extra step.

College leads you to gain a better education and is much more worth it than others think. It gives you many more advantages compared to those without. Think about the life you could have with a college degree. Think about how proud you would be walking across the graduation stage. Think about how accomplished you would feel, looking back on your 15+ years of education. Overall, college is a very good decision that you should truly consider.

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