Importance of Money in Survival Essay Example

📌Category: Money
📌Words: 705
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 31 August 2022

Oxygen, food, water, who really needs them? When money is all that you can have. That’s the mentality of the majority of the world’s population today. In today’s fast-moving world, with high inflation, money has become a fundamental necessity of life.

If you don’t have money, you aren’t able to afford the necessities, even food, and water, which are detrimental to survival.

People say that money and wealth cannot buy happiness, but when you are sick and need to visit a doctor, you need money. Unfortunately, even rudimentary medical care can end up being quite costly. Medical care, something that should be a necessity, is not accessible to an increasing number of people each year due to rising inflation. Consequently, more people are unable to afford healthcare, resulting in an increased number of deaths. Over 26 000 Americans die each year due to a lack of health insurance. A study estimates that 5 million people die every year as a result of poor-quality health care in low- and middle-income countries. That’s significantly more than the 3.6 million people in those countries who die of not having access to medical care. Furthermore, this is also five times more than annual deaths from HIV/ AIDS (1 million) and three times more than diabetes (1.4 million) in the same countries. Moreover, poor health care for these conditions can also be alarmingly dangerous or even deathly. The above-stated data is a clear indicator of how essential, appropriate medical care is and how people suffer as a result of its high cost yet, there are still multiple countries that do not offer free healthcare or follow free healthcare (FHC) policies.

In the study, they also discovered that there are 8.6 million deaths every year in low- and middle-income countries — the majority of the world, 134 countries — that could have been saved with good-quality health systems. To add on, these were deaths from conditions that could have been treated but unfortunately weren’t owing to the fact that people weren’t able to get adequate care. I firmly believe free health care (FHC) policies should be implemented worldwide as it would help provide people with the basic human right of medical care and help solve major problems.

Human beings need money to pay for everything around them. Every single thing that makes our life possible whether it would be food, shelter, health care, or proper education. These are all essentials for survival. If we didn’t have money, we wouldn’t be able to afford to buy food, clothing, or shelter. We’d be forced to live in the wild like animals, and our only means of survival would be to scavenge for food and fend off predators. For instance, without money, you won’t be able to buy food or water without which you cannot survive. Human beings can generally only last about 3 days without water and about 1-2 months without food. One study in Archiv Fur Kriminologie concluded that you can not survive more than 8 to 21 days without food or water. Meeting these needs is essential, and if we don’t have enough money to do so, our well-being is greatly compromised. You need money to live; to pay for food, water, a place to sleep, and clothes to wear. Money is a necessity to get by in this harsh, cold world. You’re not alone—everyone needs money. The poor need it to escape poverty. The sick need it to buy medication. The homeless need it to get off the streets. In order to survive, every single person needs money.

To sum it all up, money is the factor that helps the circle of life to keep spinning. It’ll be unjustified to say that money isn’t the source of happiness or money isn’t what one needs to survive. The factor that people live for nowadays is none other than money. The fundamental to survival is indeed money itself. It’s the currency of the world, and without it, we’d be lost; It’s what we use to trade for the things that we need. In today’s day and age, it’s impossible to survive without money, making it fundamental to life. Food, air, water, etc are necessities that one needs to stay alive, but what’s the point of staying alive if you can’t live life to its fullest? What’s the point of breathing if you can’t go scuba diving once? What’s the point of eating if you can’t experience the world through taste? 

So in conclusion, money is fundamental to survival and it should be treated as a necessity similar to air, food, and water.

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