Leadership Philosophy Essay Example

📌Category: Leadership
📌Words: 1174
📌Pages: 5
📌Published: 25 September 2022

Leadership carries a multitude of definitions that differ from perspective and significance to every individual. The philosophy of good leadership is determinant behind one in which a someone is a great leader by example and can take actionable steps towards achieving a greater purpose. This is accomplished through many acts including setting goals, actively pursuing a mission, effectively working with others, taking on the role’s others are less likely to take on themselves, allowing others to lead, and much more. I have seen good and bad leadership take place in organizations and usually where there is good leadership, successful outcomes are to follow. 

One of the things that we recognize is that in most settings, leadership is necessary to continue. Even in your own household, whoever is the provider must have a means of work to supply food and shelter for a living. It takes strong determination and work ethic to put in the incremental progress towards a greater succession. This can look like putting extra hours in at work, coming in early and staying later to make sure that the maximum effort is put it to achieve the best results. This also can look like putting in the work in areas of improvement, or wherever there is slack, the ability to fill into the roles necessary to make sure everything is complete. It’s about being a team-player and understanding the needs of your team. 

There is no certain look or face that fits the frame of a leader. Anyone can become a leader if they truly put in the effort, because personality and character all shape the different leadership styles that accommodate to various individuals. For example, as an introvert and naturally soft-spoken person, I can display a leadership style that is both fitting to who I am, with the same respect and responsibilities to filling this role. As a follower at times, I know what good leadership looks like because of the way I have felt and the quality of work that I have produced. When a leader is passionate and works towards a mission that requires valuable contributions from a team, they will be sure to treat those along with them with the utmost respect and communicate the importance of this. This leader will not take on all the work but recognize the potentials of those around them and make sure they have a chance to be a leader in their own roles as well. This can be displayed, not as perfection, but the achievability of being a well-rounded proactive individual for the organization you work for. 

In my college career I have worked in some internship positions that have helped with my personal development. The summer of junior year I worked a Claims Representative role for the insurance company, Auto-Owners. The claims team was a smaller department with no more than ten people and I was challenged with the tasks of creating and leading a presentation on a topic of my choice on personal development for the next quarterly meeting. It was challenging to lead in this position because I would be speaking to individuals with much more experience and expertise, but this is where I learned to be comfortable with being uncomfortable.

 In preparing for this task, I had worked outside normal work hours to put on a presentation on healthy habits in the workplace environment, with the help of another team member of the department. I also practiced the presentation a couple times prior to the meeting because I knew that my manager would be overseeing my performance. My presentation proved to be successful, as it was engaging and very informative.  I learned the importance of putting in effort and extra-time in tasks, had it not been for my work around the clock I would not have had as quality of a presentation as the one delivered. I also learned how to put together and execute a presentation that was engaging yet achieved the purpose of its intention. I made sure throughout the presentation to include polls and get feedback from the employees so that they could also make valuable contributions to my presentation. This is just one of the many achievements I had with leadership development in my college career. 

Aside from my internship experience, I have had the opportunity to work my last three years of college as a Resident Advisor in the campus residence halls. This role is one that is challenging and time-consuming, but very rewarding and one of my favorite learning experiences. I have had the ability to serve and lead others, while understanding people skills and being a resource guide for first-year students and parents. At the start of my position, I was able to learn to plan programs and complete administrative tasks for the building from the experienced Resident Advisors. My coordinator, at the time, tasked me with leading a virtual tour of the building for prospective and admitted students and I was hesitant because I was still a new advisor, and felt that the other experienced advisors would be more qualified. I had to step into a leadership role, whether I felt adequate to take on the role or not and performed very well. After reflection on this I realized my coordinator saw potential in me and put me in the position where I would learn for myself what I was capable of.  This is where I recognized the importance good leadership and how impactful it could be for others. 

 Come three years into my position as a Resident Advisor, I made sure to continue being a good role model to new advisors coming into the position. Even amid the COVID-19 Pandemic, I have had to become adaptable and open to changes as uncertain times with university regulations would prove to make things more challenging. I made sure to guide and give good advice to those first coming into the position by lending an extra hand during programs and giving guidance on how to maneuver situations and conversations with students. I also knew when to step back and allow them to take the lead and build confidence in their actions and decisions. This is where I recognized how being a follower is just as important as being a leader. One cannot take on every task or role but realizing the allowing others to help you also improves their self-development and creates an incredible group dynamic. 

The most pivotal parts of your career will leave you with a lesson that you will always remember and pass on to the next role in your life.  My leadership experience has instilled in me the valuable skills that I will need to take on the opportunities that are aligned for me after I graduate from East Carolina University. I have learned that in leading others, empathy and communication must be some of your strongest pursuits. A strong foundation is built from these two principles and those who work with others that can listen, encourage, and challenge each other so that everyone’s personal success is achieved for the greater whole. This will allow me to make conscious effort decisions in the new roles I decide to take on in life. In following others, I have learned that no role is too minuscule, and that there needs to be purpose in everything that you do. Determination will get you to where you need to be, but the vision and the passion to get to that position will get you far and, in this process, you will develop a team that makes the leadership philosophy come into full circle.

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