Odysseus as an Epic Hero Essay Example

📌Category: Homer, Odyssey, Poems, Writers
📌Words: 439
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 20 March 2022

What is an epic hero?  According to the Dictionary, an epic hero is a brave and noble character in an epic poem, admired for great achievements or affected by grand events. To be an epic hero, is to also be great. To face hardships along the way and overcome them. The Odyssey, written by Homer, tells the tale of a man struggling to return home after the Trojan war. In Homer’s Odyssey, Odysseus is an example of an epic hero because he portrays characteristics such as endurance, selflessness and cleverness which ultimately lead him to fulfill his journey.

Endurance is defined as the act of continuous hard work without stopping, despite pain and facing difficult situations. Odysseus is a perfect example of someone who exhibits this characteristic. For instance, in lines 245 of book twelve, Odysseus and his men are stopped by Sirens, who state: “for we two understand all the things that went on there in Troy, all Trojan and Achaean suffering, thanks to what the gods then willed, for we know everything that happens on this fertile earth” (Lines 245). In this scene, Odysseus’ is with the Sirens who tell him that they understand his pain—The sirens use their melodic voice to stop Odysseus and his crewmen so that they can reminisce about the past. This is a prime example of how the Sirens are using emotional vulnerability against Odysseus and his men; The Sirens know that they have endured a lot during their journey, so they use their vulnerability, to lure them into a trap. Although Odysseus is tempted to dwell on the past, he overcomes this and moves head on. He knows that he has been suffered a lot, but he must move on to continue his journey. Another example of endurance is depicted in book 12- when the Scylla kills six crewmen. In book 12, Odysseus is horrified by the death of his crewmen, he states “Of all things my eyes have witnessed in my journeying on pathways of the sea, the sight of them was the most piteous I've ever seen” (Lines 330). It is visible that the death of his crewmate had a huge impact on him-emotionally. He has endured a lot of trials, close-to death situations but he had not witnessed something like this- something so horrifying and out of the ordinary. The emotional pain and agony he had to endure while seeing his men die right in front of him. He’s hopeless and cannot help them even though they reach out to him for help, crying and weeping. One can assume that the trials he faces make him strong, both physically and mentally. The trials showcase the strength and endurance Odysseus has during the challenges he faces. Even after losing his crewmembers, he knows he must keep moving forward, to reach his goal-that is home.

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