Opinion Essay: Candy Is Our Right!

📌Category: Food
📌Words: 505
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 02 June 2022

Do you enjoy junk food? Then you won’t want a ban on buying junk food. Junk food can be a way to help you feel better when you’re not having a good day or you just need a little bit of sugar. Junk food is purposely bad so companies can make more sales because you enjoy the sweet taste. Do you think kids should not be banned from buying junk food? If kids don’t have the right to buy candy they're going to get addicted to some other thing that could be way worse. Think about it. No money for candy means kids are going to spend their money on useless junk that sits in the corner of their room. I think kids have a right to buy whatever they want with their hard-earned money. If they want to buy candy, that's their choice.

It’s our choice. If we choose to eat too much candy that's our fault. We will admit it was our fault. Then next time you buy candy you will remember not to buy a ton of candy so you don't get sick. Kids learn from experience. If you get sick from eating too much candy most likely you won't eat that much candy again.

It's our money. Just like adult kids have the right to spend their money however they like. Most kids think “If it’s my money I’m going to spend it how I want and I don’t care what my parents think because it’s my money.” That statement is very much true but at the same time, would you go out and buy drugs because it's your money? NO! Because these can make you get cancer. So even if it's your money you should spend it on what you think is a wise choice.

Kids enjoy candy. Ok, we all have guilty pleasures that we probably should not eat or have as often as we do. One of the main things that kids enjoy is candy. When they get candy they get excited because they love it so much.  If we say yes to this ban, kids will be so sad they can’t buy candy. Sometimes parents can be overprotective of their kid’s diet. To some kids, candy is a REALLY rare treat but just like any kid, they crave it. It's almost a feeling of need. But it is not fair to those kids whose parents don't want them to have ANY candy vs the kids whose parents just are like, yeah go out and buy candy I don’t care. If your parents are overprotective it’s because they love you and care about your health.
Too much candy can make you feel sick to your stomach. If kids have the right to buy candy freely they are most likely going to buy a TON of candy because no one is there to stop them. If they eat all that candy they will be sick to their stomach.

 I think kids have a right to buy whatever they want with their hard-earned money. If they want to buy candy, that's their choice. It’s the kid’s money. Kids just love candy. We chose our own choices. Will they reconsider not banning kids from buying candy?


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