Percy Jackson Is a Hero in the Lightning Thief Essay Example

đź“ŚCategory: Books
đź“ŚWords: 883
đź“ŚPages: 4
đź“ŚPublished: 30 March 2022

Who do you think is the hero of the lightning thief, I think it’s Percy Jackson. The Book, The Lightning Thief is a book about a kid finding out he is a demigod. The story takes place in a world where greek mythology is real. The Author of the book is Rick Riordan. Percy Jackson is the hero of the Lightning Theif Because he is courageous, he killed many monsters, and he returned the lightning bolt.

When Percy was running away from the minotaur, the minotaur killed his mom. Instead of running away, he decided to fight the minotaur. He taunted the minotaur making it run his way. Using his fighting skills he kills the minotaur. According to the text, it says “ I stripped off my red rain jacket."Hey!" I screamed, waving the jacket, running to one side of the monster. "Hey, stupid! Ground beef! "Raaaarrrrr!" The monster turned toward me, shaking his meaty fists. I had a stupid idea, but better than no idea at all. I put my back to the big pine tree and waved my red jacket in front of the bull-man, thinking I'd jump out of the way at the last moment”(Riordan 58-59). This quote proved that Percy is courageous because he got the attention of the minotaur and killed it. Percy chose to fight the minotaur. He could have run to camp and been safe but he didn’t. The second example is when Percy was on the bus he spotted the three furies. Annabeth gave Percy her Yankees hat so he could escape. He took control of the bus and drove it across the highway and finally stopped at the woods. He took off Annabeth’s hat and fought the three furies. In the middle of the fight, Zeus struck the bus making it explode, causing Percy, Annabeth, and Gover to run into the woods. The text says“ I looked at the open doorway. I was free to go, but I couldn't leave my friends. I took off the invisible cap. "Hey!" The Furies turned, baring their yellow fangs at me, and the exit suddenly seemed like an excellent idea. Mrs. Dodds stalked up the aisle, just as she used to do in class, about to deliver my F- math test. Every time she flicked her whip, red flames danced along with the barbed leather. Her two ugly sisters hopped on top of the seats on either side of her and crawled toward me like huge nasty lizards. "Perseus Jackson," Mrs. Dodds said, in an accent that was definitely from somewhere farther south than Georgia. "You have offended the gods. You shall die."(Riordan 171). This quote proves that Percy isn’t scared to fight monsters to save his friends. Percy could have left the bus and left his friend inside but he wanted to save his friends.

The second reason why I think Percy Jackson is the hero is that he killed many strong monsters. One example is when Percy killed Medusa. Medusa when a strong monster that can turn someone into stone if they looked into her eyes. Medusa live for hundreds of years and kill countless people but with the help of his friend Percy killed her. Percy use a glass ball to see where Medusa was so he could chop off her head. On page 191, It says“I hesitated, fascinated by the face I saw reflected in the glass, the eyes that seemed to burn straight through the green tint, making my arms go weak. From the cement grizzly, Grover moaned, "Percy, don't listen to her!" Medusa cackled. "Too late."She lunged at me with her talons. I slashed up with my sword, heard a sickening shlock! Then a hiss like wind rushing out of a cavern, the sound of a monster disintegrating. Something fell to the ground next to my foot. It took all my willpower not to look. I could feel warm ooze soaking into my sock, little dying snakeheads tugging at my shoelaces.”(Riordan 191). This quote proves that Percy killed Medusa. The quote shows how Percy kills medusa. The second example is when he killed the minotaur. The minotaur is a half-bull half-human. It was sent by hades to capture Percy’s mom. The minotaur is a really strong monster, it can throw cars and it can run fast. When the minotaur was fighting Percy it would charge headfirst at Percy, but he would walk out the way. Percy used this knowledge to make it run into a tree so he could snap off its horn. Percy stabbed the minotaur in the chest with the horn and killed it. This is accurate due to the following “I got both hands around one horn and I pulled backward with all my might. The monster tensed, gave a surprised grunt, then snap!  The bull-man screamed and flung me through the air. I landed flat on my back in the grass. My head smacked against a rock. When I sat up, my vision was blurry, but I had a horn in my hands, a ragged bone weapon the size of a knife. The monster charged. Without thinking, I rolled to one side and came up kneeling. As the monster barreled past, I drove the broken horn straight into his side, right up under his furry rib cage. The bull-man roared in agony. He flailed, clawing at his chest, then began to disintegrate, not like my mother, in a flash of golden light, but like crumbling sand, blown away in chunks by the wind, the same way Mrs. Dodds had burst apart.”(Riordan 60). This quote proves that Percy kills the minotaur. It shows that Percy stabbed the minotaur in the chest and killed it.

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