Queen Elizabeth Essay Example

📌Category: Historical Figures, History
📌Words: 525
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 12 March 2022

Queen Elizabeth the first was one of the best rulers in the world. She is also one of the most respected people in the world. Queen Elizabeth the first had her fair share of problems. The way that she dealt with these problems is why nobody can be compared to her. One of the most complicated problems that she dealt with were such as the problem of her not marrying someone since if she did she would lose all her power. Some other problems were such as a massive invasion by Philip the second, huge debt, assassination attempts, her cousin would take the throne if she did not provide a heir, and that puritans wanted to wipe all the traces of the country's catholic past. queen Elizabeth the first had to come up with smart solutions. She fixed these problems so well that she's considered one of the best rulers in England.

When Queen Elizabeth the first became queen she had to pay off huge government debt. To pay off the debt queen Elizabeth spared the lives of wealthy leaders hoping that they would enrich her by buying their pardons or by forefitting their lands. Another problem she dealt with was an invasion of England by Spain launched by king Philip the second. To beat kind Philips invasion queen Elizabeth didn't panic, she supervised the high command personally while rallying popular support for the defence of the realm and sending troops to protect the coast. Her sparing the lives of wealthy leaders did pay off. She earned money and got more land. but she also got money other ways. It was a great victory for queen Elizabeth because she managed to scare off Philip the second.

One of the major plans to assassinate Queen Elizabeth the first was revolved around her cousin, mary, queen of scots. Her cousin, mary, queen of scots was next in line for the throne if Elizabeth the first did not provide a heir. As a solution to this problem queen Elizabeth ordered the use of torture on mary's co-conspirators. And in the end, the failure of the Babington plot led to the execution of mary. The solution of mary, queen of scots being be-headed did fix her problems as they had no choice but to keep her as queen.

If queen Elizabeth the first would've married a man she would've lost all of her power. A more sinister disaster was that puritans wanted to wipe out all the traces of the countries catholic past. On the other hand, catholic extremists wanted to restore Catholicism in England. Since she would've lost her power if she would've married someone she just decided to marry nobody! since puritans and extremists wanted to do the exact opposite queen Elizabeth adopted a policy of moderation called the middle way to please the protestants. Since she didn't marry anybody she didn't lose her throne but she had no kids. "middle way" definitely helped because it pleased all the protestants.

That's why many people believed in queen Elizabeth. Because she made good decisions and overall made England a better place. The ways she dealt with things such as huge government debt and her cousin and the way she handled them is why her people respect her so much. So in conclusion Queen Elizabeth was one of the best rulers and there will most likely be nobody you can compare her to.

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