Slavery Reflection Essay Example

📌Category: Slavery, Social Issues
📌Words: 1049
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 12 April 2022

In Wendell Berry’s “The Agrarian Essays,” it states “In a society in which nearly everybody is dominated by somebody else's mind or by a disembodied mind, it becomes increasingly difficult to learn the truth…” Many people are unaware of the exact story of slavery, following the riddled inaccuracy with which they are educated. In American classrooms, the history of slavery is taught, but not at the level that it should be. This has resulted in a paucity of knowledge on the subject. Nikole Hannah-Jones whose ancestors were affected by the turmoil left behind by slavery: initiated “The 1619 Project.” Hannah-Jones' early life inspires her to become an investigative journalist to cover issues that have been controversial for generations. Those that involved the formation of an ill-fated America; that repudiates equality. In Hannah-Jones's essay, “The 1619 Project” she informs the reader why slavery in American history in its original narrative has not been fully revealed. Hannah-Jones uncovers two historical truths concerning slavery: without slaves, democracy would not exist, and slaves must be rightfully recognized for their contribution to the US economy. 

Democracy dates back to Ancient Greek history to guarantee individual rights in a society for the people. When the Declaration of Independence in America was created it acknowledged that “All men are created equal” however, they did not even view African Americans as people. Excluding them from democracy, making the U.S a country where freedom is not constituted. One of the main reasons why the American colonists decided to declare independence was to protect the institution of slavery. Jones went on to explain that the colonists believed they were British slaves. She took advantage of this dishonesty by claiming that the colonists fought for independence and freedom but failed to free slaves. “In the texts in which they were making the case for the freedom to the world, they did not want to explicitly enshrine their hypocrisy, so they sought to hide it” (4). America claimed to be British slaves and sought to fight for their freedom, ignoring the fact that slaves felt the same way about the colony and desired independence. Slaves who lacked freedom had to find a way to gain it; after much struggle, they began to show signs of independence. “Black rights struggles paved the way for every other rights struggle including women’s and gay rights, immigrants and disability rights” (3). Slaves had to overcome numerous obstacles in order to pave the route that is now being discussed. Those challenges included reconstruction, civil conflict, and various forms of violence. It provided many opportunities for democracy for themselves and others in the fight against oppression. For instance, after colored men were granted the right to vote, it opened the way for women's suffrage and the idea that people of all genders, nationalities, and religions belonged in society. They, too, deserve the democracy that the slaves cherished and received. “The truth is that as much democracy as this nation has today, it has been borne on the backs of black resistance” (10). Despite the fact that black Americans are subjected to the most toxic treatment by the ideals of this unjust country, they remain committed to improving it regardless of the consequences. If you have had a taste of democracy: be grateful for what the slaves did to this country. Democracy would not exist without their contribution. 

Democracy would not have prevailed if slaves were not present, but they also accomplished numerous other feats for which they are not acknowledged. After being brought here by the British colonies, they converted the land into one of the most successful colonies in the British empire. They served as the country's economic engine. “They taught the colonist to grow rice. They grew and picked the cotton that the height of slavery was the nation's most valuable commodity, accounting for half of all exports and 66% of the world's supply” (2). As of today, cotton is still very needed and purchased. Most of the daily basis we use is made of cotton. How could have the American economy prospered if slaves did not grow and pick the cotton? It simply would not. Without the slave's assistance, 66 percent of the world's supply would be lost and not manufactured by the U.S economy. One of the reasons slavery spread was due to the need for slaves on plantations, forcing them to increase their economies without offering slaves anything in return. Just like the slaves boosted the cotton economy; it is because of them that there are famous landmarks all over the country that, in addition to increasing the economy, are a source of pride for many Americans. "They laid the foundations of the White House and the capitol, even placing with their own free hands the Statue of Freedom atop the Capitol Dome. they logged the heavy wooden tracks of the world bold that crisscrossed the south... profits from black people stolen labor helped the young nation pay up its war debts and financed some of our most procedures university” (2).  Furthermore, it demonstrates how America was founded on the backs of slaves. These slave-built foundations are well-known today. Yet, most people have no idea that they were built by slaves. The Statue of Liberty, like the White House, has become a popular tourist attraction. Slaves also created prominent colleges such as Harvard, which everyone desires to attend. Everything the slaves built has a tremendous deal of value now since it adds to America's economy and identity. Proving once and for all that slavery was the backbone of the United States of America. 

Although slavery ended years ago, it is still at the roots of our foundation. Jones entails us Americans to dig for the truth that is being hidden from our knowledge. Any American who overlooks the reality that people of color were a huge part of early America's prosperity should be ashamed. It should be talked about and educated people more. America is still struggling with the idea of democracy. If there is a sense of freedom as of now it is because they did not remain silent and magnified an urgency for independence. Just like they achieved this civic duty; they paved the way for women, immigrants, and Native Americans to accomplish democracy for themselves. Apart from creating the democracy that the founding fathers failed at, their contribution to this country is what made this place as successful as it is today. Slaves created this country! Jones influences and motivates us to dig deeper into this country's history. Giving slaves the rightful recognition, they deserve. Many say that knowledge is power. Therefore, if you have the knowledge to learn about the real history of slaves, use that knowledge and grant others the power of wisdom. Let's advocate for slaves just like they advocated for this country. Don't remain silent!

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