Сlimate Сhange Essay Example

📌Category: Climate Change, Environment
📌Words: 432
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 25 August 2022

There are many challenges facing us in the 21st century, world hunger, poverty, human trafficking as well as climate change. Although climate change has been shifted to the back burner for a while now but since the rise of advocates like Greta Thunberg we have seen the issue of climate change take the forefront in many European and North-American discussions. This has in turn shed a spotlight on the different things we do as humans of this age that contributes strongly to climate change and the use of fossil fuels has been identified as a huge contributor to this issue. I am of the opinion that Fossil fuels should be replaced with the use of renewable energy such as wind and solar power. 

With the advent of the steam engine and the discovery of oil and gas, our world slowly shifted, and our lifestyle is now one that seems like it is solely dependent on oil and gas in many ways. A good number of economies, businesses and countries function because of oil and gas. We are able to live comfortably and make progress as a specie because of the funds gotten from Oil and gas-based industries as well as the devices we require to run our everyday lives, being directly or indirectly linked with Oil and gas industries, but then the question arises. At what cost? 

So much land is wasted yearly because of drilling, fracking, expanding exploration to find more oil and gas. A lot of aquatic lives suffer because we need sonic waves to map the floor of the sea. Many of the sea lives use sonic waves to move around and the brutal oil and gas industry, which is majorly profit driven doesn’t care. Let’s not even start with the amount of waste generated by these industries, oil spills yearly, human lives displaced or bought out of their lands at unfair prices because of the oil being searched for and found on a daily basis. We are so dependent on such a limited resource that we could collapse at any point as a society and yet we shun alternative measures that are equally as good and are less damaging to the environment. We stifle research resources supposed to be for green economy because of the monetary repercussions that may ensue, but we ignore the bigger problem here. 

In conclusion, I believe we need to stop being short sighted and selfish as people and see the bigger picture of what the effects of our profit driven greed can cause to future generations and to the world we met when we were born. Renewable energies like Solar Wind and Water should be considered strongly and pushed further on the list of important matters arising to secure our future and that of the generation to come.

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